Excalibur Technologies Tuesday has announced its XML-based video logger, Screening Room Capture. The scaleable, standards-based video logger will be available as a stand-alone product or as part of Excalibur’s Screening Room product for end-to-end capture, encoding, indexing, management and re-purposing of video content.
Screening Room Capture extracts visual and textual metadata from analog or digital video by controlling multiple subsystems for closed-captioned text extraction, voice-to-text servers, video analysis, manual annotation, device control, and timecode management. The product can control multiple video encoders wherever they reside, enabling parallel, multiple format, simultaneous encoding. Due to its distributable nature, video logging capabilities and subsystems can now be scaled across as many computers as necessary.
By encapsulating all metadata into the industry-standard XML format, Screening Room Capture allows the integration of video logging into other systems, such as an existing digital asset management or media asset management solution, or third party database.
“Our goal with the Screening Room product is to give media professionals full control over their digital video content,” said David Nunnerley, Sr. Vice President, Excalibur Technologies Corp. “By providing our customers, integrators and OEMs with open standards-based tools like Screening Room Capture, the management of video assets will be easier than ever believed possible.”