Ezyfind.com from International
has partnered with HotJobs.com, QSI Payment Technologies and IBuy in an
effort to expand its suite of services.
Hotjobs.com will act as a global partner to deliver online recruitment
advertisements and information to Ezyfind’s network of community Web sites.
Under the agreement, the portal’s business community will be able to post
jobs on the site for a nominal fee.
QSI Technologies will incorporate its electronic payment system into
Ezyfind’s Web store service. The gateway uses SSL as the standard
encryption method but also features upgrade options for SET, debit, Mondex
and e-check options.
Ibuy will provide auction services to the site for both business to
consumer and business to business transactions.
Ezyfind.com is a global network of community-based Web sites centred on
geographical location and areas of interest. Each local site contains a
brief community history, links to local business, news, sport, online
shopping and auctions.
Earlier this month, International Strategies announced its intention to expand into the US. The company is also proceeding with the registration
process for NASDAQ to achieve a small capital listing early next year.