Florida Fiasco Takes Toll On ‘Net Tickers

They may still be fighting over the presidential vote count in the Sunshine State, but for Internet investors, the election results are in – and everybody lost.

All 13 ‘Net sectors were down this week as the turmoil in Florida forces the market into a defensive shell. Some more bad earnings reports and the Fed’s continued anti-inflation stance, which leaves open the threat of interest-rate hikes, don’t help.

At least the freefall that ensued in the first few days after the nation voted has abated. If a victor emerges over the weekend in Florida – or, more precisely, if a candidate finally concedes – then the market could shift into gear. However, if there is no firm resolution, look for more wheel-spinning. Unless, of course, the presidential battle drags on and on, in which case the market may finally ignore the whole depressing thing and get on with its business.

*Market Cap figure is in millions unless otherwise noted.


                           Ave. 7-Day
                            % Change

Security                      -2.6%
Wireless                      -6.1%
Performance Software          -7.3% 
E-commerce Enablers           -7.6%
Content/Communities           -9.5%
Search/Portals               -10.0%
Financial Services           -10.6%
Consultants/Designers        -11.7%
E-tailers                    -11.8%
Internet Services            -11.9%
Speed/Bandwidth              -12.1%
ISPs/Access Providers        -12.9%  
Advertising/Marketing        -13.7% 
TOP 10 GAINERS              7-Day % Gain     Category

MPPP    MP3.com                 65.0%        Content/Communities
MDCM    Mortgage.com            50.1%        Financial Services
USIX    USinternetworking       39.0%        Internet Services
EMUS    EMusic.com              37.5%        E-tailers
EPRS    Eprise                  34.5%        Performance Software
ECRU    E-Cruiter.com           34.0%        Internet Services
PPOD    Peapod                  33.3%        E-tailers
SCRM    ScreamingMedia          26.0%        Content/Communities
XCAR    XCare.net               24.1%        E-Commerce Enablers
LQID    Liquid Audio            22.5%        E-Commerce Enablers
OMNY    OmniSky                 22.4%        Wireless

TOP 10 LOSERS               7-Day % Loss     Category
VCIX    Virtual Communities    -83.3%        Performance Software
GDEN    Garden.com             -70.0%        E-tailers
NENG    Network Engines        -61.5%        Speed/Bandwidth
ICGE    Internet Capital       -45.4%        Financial Services
FUSN    Fusion Networks        -44.4%        Internet Services
TFSM    24/7 Media             -44.1%        Advertising/Marketing
PASA    quepasa.com            -40.0%        Content/Communities
DSLN    DSL.net                -38.6%        ISPs/Access Providers
VCNT    Vicinity Corp.         -38.0%        Internet Services
IBEM    iBEAM                  -37.9%        Speed/Bandwidth

                           WIRELESS PRODUCTS/SERVICES

                       11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD   Market
      Company         $Close $Change %Change %Change           Cap
OMNY  OmniSky          12.13   2.22   22.4%    N/A     N/A   790.0
MCOM  Metricom         15.81   1.44   10.0%  -45.5%  -75.8%  485.7
WFII  Wireless Facil.  51.13   3.13    6.5%  -24.7%   35.1%    2.2B
PRTH  Parthus Tech.    29.38  -0.63   -2.1%   -8.7%    N/A     1.5B
IWAV  interWAVE         4.19  -0.13   -2.9%  -49.0%    N/A   202.9
ULCM  Ulticom          49.00  -2.31   -4.5%  -18.1%    N/A     1.8B
GOAM  GoAmerica         9.69  -0.50   -4.9%    6.7%    N/A   497.7
IIIM  i3 Mobile         6.31  -0.44   -6.5%  -21.2%    N/A   144.0
PHCM  Phone.com        90.31  -6.56   -6.8%    1.1%  -11.7%    7.5B
AETH  Aether Systems  106.75  -8.69   -7.5%  -38.0%   24.6%    4.2B
HAND  Hands

pring       75.00  -8.31  -10.0%   69.3%    N/A     9.4B
VYYO  Vyyo             24.00  -2.75  -10.3%  -27.3%    N/A   900.9
PALM  Palm             51.69  -6.19  -10.7%    6.6%    N/A    29.2B
INSP  InfoSpace        20.50  -2.56  -11.1%  -50.1%  -62.1%    6.0B
PUMA  Puma Technology  13.13  -1.69  -11.4%  -32.3%  -76.7%  555.3
AVGO  Avantgo           9.50  -1.25  -11.6%    N/A     N/A   316.8
SVNX  724 Solutions    23.06  -3.75  -14.0%  -38.0%    N/A   866.1
RIMM  Research/Motion  88.25 -21.63  -19.7%   46.5%  171.0%    6.3B
GWRX  Geoworks          4.11  -1.08  -20.8%  -52.7%  -68.3%   89.0
      Wireless Ave.                   -6.1%         

Wireless Internet and e-mail access provider OmniSky form a pact
to develop a wireless advertising model and standards. (Wouldn't 
it be great if they can figure out how to effectively deliver
wireless ads to handhelds before they figure out how to do it with
any other content? Just kidding.) The deal prompted Morgan Stanley
to start coverage of OMNY with a "strong buy" rating and a $25
price target. Research in Motion and Handspring are the only 
strong gainers in this sector during the past troubled month.


                      11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD   Market
      Company        $Close $Change %Change %Change          Cap
NTES  Netease.com      4.94   0.00    0.0%  -46.4%    N/A    148.6
SOHU  Sohu.com         3.06   0.00    0.0%  -44.0%    N/A     95.6
DIG   Disney-Internet  7.38  -0.25   -3.3%  -50.2%  -67.6%     1.1B
GOTO  GoTo.com        14.75  -0.75   -4.8%  -52.3%  -84.0%   769.8
LOOK  LookSmart        7.94  -0.44   -5.2%  -55.2%  -75.1%   711.5
SINA  SINA.com         6.66  -0.47   -6.6%  -71.0%    N/A    272.5
BOUT  About.com       23.75  -2.75  -10.4%  -50.9%  -77.6%   428.7
YHOO  Yahoo!          57.13  -7.88  -12.1%  -54.7%  -75.4%    31.4B
AOL   America Online  49.44  -6.86  -12.2%  -22.1%  -37.0%   114.9B
STRM  StarMedia        7.00  -1.00  -12.5%  -42.3%  -85.4%   460.7
AOLA  AOL/Latin Am.    5.72  -0.91  -13.7%  -39.3%    N/A      1.5B
ASKJ  Ask Jeeves      13.19  -2.44  -15.6%  -51.7%  -88.6%   470.5
TRLY  Terra Lycos     19.63  -3.63  -15.6%    N/A     N/A     N/A
CHINA Chinadotcom      8.81  -3.50  -28.4%  -63.0%  -81.1%   770.0
       Search/Portals Ave.          -10.0%         

From the Where Have We Seen This Before Dept.: An Internet company's
shares plummet after news of widening quarterly losses and layoffs.
In this case the company is Chinadotcom, which posted a net loss of
$20.5 million in Q3, more than four times the $5 million net loss in
the year-ago quarter. Forty CHINA workers will get the axe. In other
China portal news, SINA.com remains the biggest loser in this group
for the past month, falling 71%, while Netease.com tops the sector
in the wake of a quarterly report showing stronger revenue growth
than its competitors. Terra Lycos is on the downside of its merger 


                         11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD  Market
      Company           $Close $Change %Change %Change         Cap  

MPPP  MP3.com             6.19   2.44   65.0%  -45.7%  -90.6%  421.9
SCRM  ScreamingMedia      5.91   1.22   26.0%  -39.2%    N/A   221.0
SPLN  SportsLine.com      8.69   0.50    6.1%  -48.6%  -82.2%  229.5
DTHK  DigitalThink       30.88   1.27    4.3%   15.0%    N/A     1.1B
VDAT  Visual Data         3.56   0.06    1.8%  -41.2%  -76.3%   29.9
NETR  NetRadio            0.69   0.00    0.0%  -44.0%  -88.5%    6.9
TURF  iTurf               0.88   0.00    0.0%  -42.9%  -93.4%   18.5
TGLO  theglobe.com        0.63   0.00    0.0%  -56.4%  -93.1%   19.4
ARTD  Artistdirect        0.75  -0.03   -4.0%  -61.9%    N/A    27.6

 Multex.com         10.00  -0.44   -4.2%  -38.1%  -62.9%  303.9
LOIS  Loislaw.com         1.88  -0.13   -6.3%  -70.1%  -93.4%   39.4
IASIA Asiacontent.com     1.75  -0.13   -6.7%  -59.6%    N/A    60.1
MKTW  MarketWatch.com     4.94  -0.38   -7.1%  -64.2%  -88.4%   81.1
EWBX  EarthWeb           16.25  -1.31   -7.5%   -8.3%  -79.2%  169.1
KOOP  drkoop.com          0.75  -0.06   -7.7%  -28.9%  -90.8%   26.2
SWBD  Switchboard         6.19  -0.56   -8.3%  -17.4%    N/A   152.6
ONES  OneSource          11.69  -1.25   -9.7%  -18.4%  -17.0%  136.6
IMPV  ImproveNet          1.00  -0.13  -11.1%  -51.5%    N/A    16.7
STAD  Student Advantage   3.94  -0.50  -11.3%  -42.9%  -80.4%  142.2
EDGR  EDGAR Online        3.31  -0.44  -11.7%  -28.8%  -52.0%   41.3
HGAT  HealthGate Data     0.63  -0.09  -13.0%  -25.6%    N/A    11.2
WOMN  Women.com           1.00  -0.16  -13.5%  -37.5%  -85.7%   46.8
SALN  Salon.com           1.19  -0.19  -13.6%  -46.7%  -78.2%   16.5
CNET  CNET Networks      26.19  -4.31  -14.1%  -28.6%  -62.3%    2.3B
INTM  internet.com       17.13  -2.88  -14.4%  -35.5%  -61.7%  429.7
TSCM  TheStreet.com       3.50  -0.63  -15.2%  -39.8%  -79.1%   93.8
HOMS  Homestore.com      31.31  -6.06  -16.2%  -30.6%  -49.0%    2.6B
NBCI  NBC Internet        6.13  -1.19  -16.2%  -31.9%  -93.2%  383.0
QKKA  Quokka Sports       2.17  -0.42  -16.3%  -36.8%  -72.0%  100.7
HCEN  HealthCentral.com   1.03  -0.20  -16.5%  -52.2%  -80.0%   46.6
LAUN  Launch Media        2.75  -0.56  -17.0%  -36.0%  -74.5%   37.3
VERT  VerticalNet        20.19  -4.19  -17.2%  -45.0%  -70.8%    1.7B
HSTM  HealthStream        1.75  -0.38  -17.6%   -5.6%    N/A    35.0
HOOV  Hoover's            2.88  -0.63  -17.9%  -27.3%  -44.0%   39.7
TCTY  Talk City           0.56  -0.13  -18.2%  -46.0%  -96.5%   14.1
INFO  Infonautics         1.03  -0.28  -21.4%  -41.3%  -73.8%   12.6
SCRM  ScreamingMedia      4.63  -1.28  -21.7%  -39.2%    N/A   173.1
IVIL  iVillage            2.25  -0.63  -21.7%  -72.1%  -91.9%   66.8
SNOW  Snowball.com        1.19  -0.41  -25.5%  -54.4%    N/A    44.5
KNOT  Knot                1.31  -0.59  -31.1%   -2.3%  -65.3%   19.2
PASA  quepasa.com         0.28  -0.19  -40.0%  -57.1%  -96.0%    5.3
      Content/Comm. Ave.                -9.5%         

Every few months or so Internet music site MP3.com settles one of 
the many lawsuits brought by song publishers, triggering a run-up
for the company's otherwise beleaguered stock. It happened in June,
and it happened this week when MPPP cut a deal with Universal. 
However, June's rally was shortlived, and this one will be too, for 
news of the settlement soon was followed by reports that MP3.com is 
facing a new class-action lawsuit brought on behalf of a number of 
musicians. But at least for this week, MPPP is the brightest star 
in the tarnished Internet galaxy. Things aren't quite as upbeat
on the other end of town, where Hispanic Web network Quepasa.com 
said it was laying off two-thirds of its staff and looking for a
buyer. Shares were going for a quarter apiece by Thursday.  


                        11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month  YTD    Market
      Company          $Close $Change %Change %Change          Cap  
EMUS  EMusic.com         1.03   0.28   37.5%  -58.6%  -92.0%   44.5
PPOD  Peapod             2.50   0.63   33.3%  -44.4%  -88.2%   44.9
ASFD  Ashford.com        2.25   0.25   12.5%  -27.0%  -77.4%  101.8
VSTY  Varsity Group      0.44   0.00    0.0%  -28.6%    N/A     6.9
ALOY  Alloy Online       7.69  -0.06   -0.8%   -9.8%  -50.1%  160.7
SFTY  eSAFETYWORLD       1.78  -0.03   -1.7%  -18.2%    N/A     5.3
FASH  Fashionmall.com    2.00  -0.06   -3.0%  -14.1%  -48.6%   15.0
SKDS  SmarterKids.com    1.94  -0.06   -3.1%   -3.5%  -73.7%   39.9
FATB  Fatbrain.com       3.56  -0.13   -3.4%   -3.2%  -83.7%   46

AMEN  Crosswalk.com      1.31  -0.06   -4.5%  -23.1%  -73.5%   10.2
CTIX  Cheap Tickets      9.97  -0.53   -5.1%  -27.3%  -36.4%  241.6
TMCS  Ticketmaster      14.19  -0.81   -5.4%  -46.5%  -68.5%    1.3B
BYND  Beyond.com         0.53  -0.03   -5.5%  -20.6%  -88.2%   20.3
EGGS  Egghead.com        1.91  -0.12   -6.2%  -32.2%  -87.6%   80.7
INSW  InsWeb             2.13  -0.16   -6.8%   -1.7%  -92.3%   74.8
ROOM  Hotel Network     34.50  -2.63   -7.1%  -29.5%    N/A     1.9B
BNBN  barnesandnoble.com 2.88  -0.28   -8.9%  -40.0%  -72.7%  420.2
PLRX  PlanetRx.com       0.28  -0.03  -10.0%  -34.4%  -97.5%   14.5
EXPE  Expedia           14.00  -1.56  -10.0%  -33.2%  -66.8%  675.0
BGST  BigStar            0.25  -0.03  -11.1%  -59.2%  -96.1%    2.5
EBAY  eBay              45.81  -5.81  -11.3%  -19.7%   -8.3%   12.3B
BFLY  Bluefly            1.81  -0.25  -12.1%  -21.4%  -71.0%    8.9
IPET  Pets.com           0.22  -0.03  -12.5%  -46.9%    N/A     6.4
AMZN  Amazon.com        29.50  -4.38  -12.9%  -46.2%  -68.6%   10.5B
EBKR  Ebookers.com       3.50  -0.63  -15.2%  -17.8%  -68.2%   59.6
PCLN  priceline.com      2.75  -0.50  -15.4%  -79.5%  -88.2%  458.2
ADBL  Audible            0.78  -0.16  -16.7%  -43.9%  -92.7%   21.5
COOL  Cyberian Outpost   2.50  -0.53  -17.5%  -30.0%  -66.5%   79.1
EFTD  FTD.COM            2.66  -0.59  -18.3%  -25.8%  -68.3%  129.2
BUYX  BUY.COM            1.34  -0.31  -18.9%  -46.0%    N/A   176.3
SQST  SciQuest.com       2.47  -0.62  -20.2%  -61.2%  -95.6%   71.6
VSHP  VitaminShoppe.com  0.50  -0.14  -22.0%  -41.2%  -92.5%   10.2
ETYS  eToys              2.00  -0.56  -22.0%  -38.6%  -85.0%  244.0
WBVN  Webvan Group       1.06  -0.31  -22.7%  -53.8%  -89.9%  368.4
LMIN  Lastminute.com     5.00  -1.50  -23.1%  -13.1%    N/A   150.3
DSCM  Drugstore.com      2.59  -1.00  -27.8%  -44.0%  -92.1%  137.7
AHWY  audiohighway.com   0.47  -0.22  -31.8%  -41.9%  -92.8%    3.0
ESTM  E-Stamp            0.38  -0.22  -36.8%  -52.4%  -96.9%   15.0
TIXX  Tickets.com        0.55  -0.33  -37.5%    N/A   -90.3%   32.3
GDEN  Garden.com         0.09  -0.22  -70.0%  -75.0%  -95.3%    1.7
      E-tailers Ave.                  -11.8%         
EMusic.com soars on rumors that it is being considered for 
acquisition by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann. Online
grocer Peapod benefits from the demise of competitor Streamline.com.
Garden.com joins Pets.com and MotherNature.com in dot.com heaven
as the company announces it is closing its doors and trading
is halted. After weeks of valiant resistance, it looks as though
Amazon.com is finding a new home below the $30 per share mark.

                             FINANCIAL SERVICES 

                         11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD   Market
       Company          $Close $Change %Change %Change          Cap

MDCM  Mortgage.com        0.09   0.03   50.1%  -39.5%  -86.5%    4.2
WITC  Wit Soundview       7.00   0.19    2.8%  -42.3%  -65.6%  633.7
NXCD  NextCard           10.00   0.06    0.6%  -11.8%  -70.1%  530.6
ECMV  E Com Ventures      0.94   0.00    0.0%  -13.9%  -68.7%    9.3
EELN  E-LOAN              2.75   0.00    0.0%   -3.6%  -77.8%  145.5
LINE  onlinetrading.com   4.13  -0.19   -4.3%  -43.0%  -72.2%   47.3
EGRP  E*TRADE            12.69  -0.75   -5.6%  -35.7%  -49.7%    3.8B
DIR   DLJdirect           4.50  -0.38   -7.7%  -33.3%  -62.9%  461.9
WEBS  Web Street          1.25  -0.13   -9.1%  -38.1%  -85.7%   32.2
AMTD  Ameritrade         13.56  -1.69  -11.1%  -31.4%  -34.8%    2.4B
TREE  LendingTree         4.53  -0.66  -12.6%  -48.3%    N/A    81.7
DVIN  divineInterventur   2.50  -0.50  -16.7%  -49.5%    N/A   343.6
NTBK  Net.B@nk            7.28  -1.53  -17.4%  -32.4%  -48.5%  216.0
CMGI  CMGI               14.69  -7.13  -32.7%  -59.0%  -87.9%    4.3B
ICGE  Internet Capital    8.88  -7.38  -45.4%  -60.7%  -93.4%    2.5B

       Financial Services Ave.         -10.6%         
For a company that recently announced its imminent demise, Mortgage.com 
has a pretty lively stock this week, as shares climb 50%. Volume has 
been higher than ever for MDCM since Oct. 31, when the company said 
it would wind down lending operations, with prices bouncing between 
3 cents and 9 cents (that's per share) in active trading. Meanwhile, 
CMGI and Internet Capital Group continue their battle to see which 
can be the biggest disaster among Internet venture capital companies 
and incubators. Right now, ICGE holds the edge with a YTD loss of 
94.3%, but recent bad news for some of its majority-owned holding 
companies could help CMGI close the gap.

                               E-COMMERCE ENABLERS
                         11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD   Market
      Company           $Close $Change %Change %Change          Cap 

XCAR  XCare.net           9.00   1.75   24.1%  -18.4%    N/A   146.3
LQID  Liquid Audio        5.78   1.06   22.5%  -36.3%  -83.2%  129.4
BTBC  b2bstores.com       1.75   0.25   16.7%  -16.7%    N/A    15.1
NEOF  Neoforma.com        2.50   0.31   14.3%  -50.3%    N/A   317.2
QSFT  Quest              44.63   3.63    8.8%    7.2%   14.6%    3.8B
ARTG  Art Technology     48.00   2.25    4.9%  -16.5%   32.5%    3.2B
GSPT  Global Sports       8.88   0.41    4.8%  -17.2%  -39.9%  192.6
WEBM  webMethods         89.88   4.00    4.7%  -31.4%    N/A     4.2B
EPNY  E.piphany          56.69   1.98    3.6%  -16.0%  -66.3%    2.6B
SBYN  SeeBeyond          16.38   0.38    2.3%    N/A     N/A    N/A
SLTC  Selectica          27.94   0.31    1.1%  -20.3%    N/A     1.0B
PCOR  pcOrder.com         6.22   0.03    0.5%  -36.2%  -93.2%  105.0
QUOT  Quotesmith.com      0.94   0.00    0.0%  -12.5%  -83.3%   18.0
PPRO  PurchasePro.com    21.69  -0.25   -1.1%   30.4%  -36.3%    1.4B
PRSW  Persistence         8.72  -0.16   -1.8%  -39.3%  -56.2%  170.5
BRNC  Braun Consulting    7.25  -0.16   -2.1%  -27.2%  -79.6%  145.9
DGIN  Digital Insight    15.38  -0.50   -3.1%  -14.5%  -25.9%  444.2
SNHK  Sunhawk.com        11.38  -0.38   -3.2%  -31.3%    N/A    34.2
FIRE  FirePond           10.25  -0.38   -3.5%  -48.0%    N/A   364.5
BBSW  Broadbase          15.31  -0.56   -3.5%  -34.5%  -78.2%  727.6
ZNGN  Zengine            11.88  -0.44   -3.6%    N/A     N/A   195.6
CORI  Corillian          12.50  -0.56   -4.3%   12.3%    N/A   399.1
BVSN  BroadVision        32.88  -1.50   -4.4%  -19.2%  -50.0%    8.8B
PRVW  Preview Systems     4.72  -0.22   -4.4%  -57.2%  -93.5%   80.8
CYSV  Cysive              7.38  -0.44   -5.6%   -3.6%  -79.8%  206.4
AWEB  Autoweb.com         0.50  -0.03   -5.9%  -38.2%  -89.4%   14.7
AGIL  Agile              73.00  -4.88   -6.3%  -18.9%  -35.8%    3.4B
ORCC  Online Resources    3.63  -0.25   -6.5%    4.7%  -73.0%   42.0
NVDC  Navidec             3.81  -0.31   -7.6%  -14.5%  -46.7%   42.0
DRIV  Digital River       6.34  -0.53   -7.7%  -41.4%  -88.2%  138.9
RETK  Retek              37.75  -3.25   -7.9%   -4.8%  -39.4%    1.8B
OMKT  Open Market         2.81  -0.25   -8.2%  -63.4%  -93.6%  131.0
PRTS  PartsBase.com       3.16  -0.34   -9.8%   -2.2%    N/A    44.5
OPUS  Opus360             1.38  -0.16  -10.2%  -49.0%    N/A    69.0
ONVI  Onvia.com           2.19  -0.25  -10.3%  -52.9%    N/A   176.6
TANN  Tanning Technolog   4.25  -0.50  -10.5%  -57.7%  -88.2%   89.5
ITWO  i2 Technologies   139.94 -17.06  -10.9%   -1.2%  101.0%   27.7B
IMPV  ImproveNet          1.00  -0.13  -11.1%  -51.5%    N/A    16.7
NETP  Net Perceptions     3.28  -0.47  -12.5%  -63.9%  -88.2%   87.7
CYBS  CyberSource         4.38  -0.63  -12.5%  -37.8%  -84.9%  152.3
EPAY  Bottomline         33.56  -4.81  -12.5%   -1.8%    4.7%  431.6
CMRC  Commerce One       55.69  -8.31  -13.0%   -6.2%  -28.3%   10.5B
ABTL  Autobytel.

com       3.91  -0.59  -13.2%   32.4%  -57.0%   79.4
FAIM  FairMarket          1.81  -0.28  -13.4%  -42.9%    N/A    51.3
HCOM  HomeCom             0.19  -0.03  -14.3%  -40.0%  -87.2%    1.7
DDDC  Deltathree.com      2.69  -0.50  -15.7%  -46.0%  -86.5%   77.5
CLIC  Calico Commerce     2.38  -0.50  -17.4%  -52.5%  -94.0%   83.3
ITRA  Intraware           5.31  -1.19  -18.3%  -45.6%  -93.1%  139.3
ARBA  Ariba              92.00 -22.13  -19.4%  -18.1%   55.9%   22.1B
INTW  InterWorld          1.97  -0.53  -21.2%  -80.8%  -96.8%   57.5
PFSW  PFSweb              1.16  -0.31  -21.3%  -44.2%  -95.6%   20.7
CYCH  CyberCash           2.31  -0.69  -22.9%  -52.5%  -75.7%   59.8
CKCM  Click Commerce     26.88 -10.13  -27.4%    0.8%    N/A     1.0B
ROWE  Rowecom             2.00  -0.88  -30.4%  -46.2%  -93.7%   24.8
ELCO  Elcom Internation   2.38  -1.09  -31.5%  -24.7%  -87.5%   73.0
IMNY  I-Many             18.50  -8.75  -32.1%   23.3%    N/A   591.5
USIT  U.S. Interactive    0.75  -0.44  -36.8%  -71.9%  -97.2%   19.5
      E-commerce Enablers Ave.          -7.6%         
Since closing on Aug. 1 at $3 per share, healthcare e-commerce
software and services provider XCare.net has tripled in price,
despite small revenue ($2 million in Q3), growing losses and 
the departure of its CFO in late August. Like EMusic.com, digital 
download software vendor Liquid Audio gets a boost from rumors 
that it is a Bertelsmann takeover target. Looks like the end may be 
near for U.S. Interactive, a maker of customer management software. 
Q3 losses were $45.7 million, against revenue of $17.8 million. 
USIT said it would lay off 28% of its workforce. Shares fell to 
59 cents on Thursday.

                         11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD   Market
      Company           $Close $Change %Change %Change          Cap  

NSSI  Network-1           4.13   0.38   10.0%  -34.0%  -61.0%   25.8
VLCT  ValiCert           15.31   1.25    8.9%  -19.3%    N/A   339.1
VONE  V-ONE               1.56   0.11    7.5%  -46.4%  -74.5%   34.6
AXNT  AXENT              19.25   1.06    5.8%   -5.4%    7.2%  557.0
ITRU  InterTrust         10.44   0.56    5.7%  -62.6%  -88.7%  899.5
ISSX  Internet Security  94.00   3.63    4.0%    8.4%   31.9%    3.9B
WGRD  WatchGuard         39.75   0.88    2.3%  -24.6%   29.3%  957.5
CYLK  Cylink              4.88  -0.06   -1.3%  -41.9%  -45.6%  150.3
NETE  Netegrity          69.13  -3.88   -5.3%    0.8%   59.9%    2.0B
RSAS  RSA Security       48.06  -4.19   -8.0%   10.4%  -22.8%    1.9B
ENTU  Entrust            27.38  -2.63   -8.8%  -20.0%  -61.0%    1.7B
CHKP  Check Point       140.81 -19.00  -11.9%   -6.0%  221.9%   21.6B
ALDN  Aladdin Knowledge   6.13  -0.88  -12.5%  -36.9%  -55.6%   69.3
LTNX  Litronic            6.38  -1.13  -15.0%  -21.1%  -49.0%   63.0
PILT  Pilot Network       2.16  -0.53  -19.8%  -45.6%  -72.2%   32.5
      Security Ave.                     -2.6%        

You don't usually see a sector lead all others without landing a 
stock on the list of top 10 gainers, but the Security group does it
this week as nearly half of its members advance. Network-1 Security 
Solutions inches to the top of this group, but already began drifting 
down Thursday after its Q3 earnings report showed $346,000 in revenues 
and a net loss of $1.1 million, or 18 cents per share. Pilot Network
Services loses a member of its board and another 20% of its value.

                             PERFORMANCE SOFTWARE

                         11/15   7-Day   7-Day  1-Month  YTD  Market
      Company           $Close  $Change %Change %Change         Cap  

EPRS  Eprise              4.88   1.25   34.5%  -73.3%    N/A   122.6
VMDC  VantageMed          2.13   0.38   21.4%   -4.4%    N/A  

AVSR  Avistar             5.13   0.72   16.3%  -16.5%    N/A   128.6
EXTN  Extensity          13.38   1.50   12.6%  -32.8%    N/A   319.1
TIBX  Tibco              68.75   5.19    8.2%   -2.0%   47.0%   13.4B
OBAS  Optibase           14.13   0.38    2.7%  -28.1%  -58.1%  150.2
WEBT  WebTrends          34.56   0.63    1.8%  -33.3%  -31.5%  905.4
SABA  Saba               22.50   0.38    1.7%    7.0%    N/A   988.4
LOUD  Loudeye             3.69   0.02    0.4%  -54.9%    N/A   136.5
VSTY  Varsity Group       0.44   0.00    0.0%  -28.6%    N/A     6.9
WAVO  WAVO                0.38   0.00    0.0%  -31.8%  -86.8%   16.6
NTGX  net.Genesis         3.50   0.00    0.0%   -3.8%    N/A    74.0
SQSW  Sequoia             4.03  -0.03   -0.8%  -37.3%    N/A   123.8
DTEC  Delano             12.88  -0.13   -1.0%   11.4%    N/A   388.1
SVCW  ServiceWare         4.25  -0.06   -1.4%  -45.7%    N/A   100.0
OTEX  Open Text          24.44  -0.44   -1.8%  -20.5%   14.1%  494.4
NTOP  Net2Phone          18.38  -0.38   -2.0%  -27.6%  -56.9%    1.0B
EMBT  Embarcadero        51.63  -1.13   -2.1%   17.9%    N/A     1.4B
LBRT  Liberate           18.94  -0.50   -2.6%  -14.4%  -80.7%    2.0B
EVLV  Evolve Software    14.00  -0.38   -2.6%  -33.2%    N/A   511.8
IMAN  iManage             3.88  -0.13   -3.1%  -61.3%  -86.9%   90.2
SSSW  SilverStream       19.38  -0.81   -4.0%   -5.2%  -78.3%  396.9
CTRA  Centra Software     7.38  -0.31   -4.1%  -28.9%    N/A   178.2
NESY  NEON Systems        6.69  -0.31   -4.5%  -39.5%  -79.0%   63.1
WBSN  Websense           17.88  -0.94   -5.0%    3.9%    N/A   349.0
SWCM  Software.com      145.81  -8.25   -5.4%    2.2%   71.5%    7.1B
COBT  Cobalt Networks    46.69  -3.00   -6.0%   -3.7%  -44.7%    1.4B
BLUE  Blue Martini       30.81  -2.44   -7.3%  -10.5%    N/A     2.1B
IPIX  Internet Pictures   1.97  -0.16   -7.4%  -74.4%  -86.0%  118.8
SGNT  Sagent Technology   3.38  -0.31   -8.5%  -70.9%  -90.7%   96.4
SONE  S1 Corp.            9.38  -0.88   -8.5%  -39.7%  -87.0%  517.5
MNDO  Mind C.T.I.        10.63  -1.00   -8.6%  -27.3%    N/A   213.7
VIGN  Vignette           26.25  -2.75   -9.5%  -13.8%  -43.7%    6.1B
FVCX  FVC.com             1.91  -0.22  -10.3%  -62.2%  -80.2%   32.9
RNWK  RealNetworks       20.69  -2.38  -10.3%  -48.4%  -60.8%    3.2B
SMPL  SimPlayer.com       1.63  -0.19  -10.3%  -47.5%   24.4%   14.8
ALLR  Allaire             6.63  -0.78  -10.5%  -31.3%  -89.6%  180.5
OTGS  OTG Software       25.69  -3.06  -10.7%   32.2%    N/A   661.9
RWAV  Rogue Wave          4.44  -0.56  -11.3%  -10.8%  -29.4%   48.3
TMNT  Telemate.Net        1.38  -0.19  -12.0%  -44.1%  -91.0%   10.8
PKSI  Primus Knowledge    7.50  -1.13  -13.0%  -73.9%  -87.4%  134.4
CLRN  Clarent            21.63  -3.31  -13.3%  -15.1%  -54.3%  720.8
CWLD  CrossWorlds         8.28  -1.34  -14.0%  -30.7%    N/A   214.8
NSPK  NetSpeak            6.06  -1.00  -14.2%  -42.9%  -66.4%   86.0
MONE  MatrixOne          19.00  -3.50  -15.6%  -16.5%    N/A   809.4
IWOV  Interwoven         91.75 -18.13  -16.5%    1.5%   91.5%    4.5B
BWEB  BackWeb             9.06  -1.88  -17.1%  -55.7%  -83.5%  340.3
PASW  PASW                0.88  -0.19  -17.6%  -45.6%  -70.7%    3.9
VOCL  VocalTec            7.50  -1.97  -20.8%  -33.2%  -43.5%   90.8
PRSF  Portal Software    23.50  -6.38  -21.3%  -28.8%  -35.6%    3.8B
RHAT  Red Hat            11.63  -3.25  -21.8%  -35.7%  -86.1%    1.8B
BLSW  Bluestone          16.88  -4.75  -22.0%  -19.5%  -85.2%  350.6
VIAD  Viador              3.00  -1.31  -30.4%  -46.3%  -87.3%   53.4
VCIX  Virtual Communities 0.06  -0.31  -83.3%  -49.9%  -85.3%    1.1
      Performance Software Ave.         -7.3%         

Since dipping below $3 per share earlier this month, content 
management software vendor Eprise has crawled back over $4, thanks
to news that Providence Health System in Oregon has chosen the 
company's serve

r software to run its customer service Web site and
corporate intranet. VantageMed's Q3 report shows a reduction of 
net loss to 38 cents per share from 73 cents. Software developer
and Web site operator Virtual Communities announces it will run 
out of money and may cease trading. But first it will try layoffs
to survive.

                                INTERNET SERVICES 

                         11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD  Market
      Company           $Close $Change %Change %Change         Cap
USIX  USinternetworking   4.73   1.33   39.0%  -50.0%  -90.7%  458.6
ECRU  E-Cruiter.com       3.94   1.00   34.0%  -24.6%  -56.1%   30.4
KEYN  Keynote Systems    24.88   2.50   11.2%  -26.3%  -71.0%  688.5
HOTJ  HotJobs.com        15.50   1.00    6.9%  -24.6%  -67.6%  560.2
SKIL  SkillSoft          21.63   1.38    6.8%   -9.2%    N/A   286.6
MRBA  Marimba             5.25   0.13    2.4%  -63.3%  -87.0%  123.0
NTWO  N2H2                1.00   0.00    0.0%  -31.8%  -91.3%   22.5
STMP  Stamps.com          3.00  -0.03   -1.0%  -50.0%  -92.2%  147.3
HHNT  HeadHunter.NET     10.13  -0.44   -4.1%   -8.2%  -51.8%  188.3
RCOM  Register.com        6.81  -0.31   -4.4%  -23.8%    N/A   217.9
CONV  Convergent          4.00  -0.19   -4.5%  -13.6%  -75.6%  118.3
NETZ  Netzee              1.88  -0.09   -4.8%  -16.2%  -74.6%   41.3
VRSN  VeriSign          119.94  -7.19   -5.7%  -15.8%   -9.7%   23.3B
CAVN  Cavion Tech.        2.31  -0.16   -6.3%  -35.6%  -58.7%   11.5
ITXC  ITXC Corp.         10.69  -0.81   -7.1%  -34.4%  -66.0%  411.8
INIT  Interliant          9.88  -0.81   -7.6%  -45.4%  -79.1%  472.4
CTCH  CommTouch          11.50  -1.00   -8.0%  -26.7%  -69.2%  175.5
KANA  Kana Comm.         23.56  -2.19   -8.5%  -45.0%  -81.5%    2.2B
CLAI  Claimsnet.com       3.13  -0.31   -9.1%  -43.3%  -76.9%   28.7
MDLI  MedicaLogic         3.19  -0.38  -10.5%  -31.9%  -84.8%  176.1
EXDS  Exodus             29.44  -3.56  -10.8%  -43.5%  -14.7%   12.3B
SRCH  US SEARCH.com       0.50  -0.06  -11.1%  -44.7%  -88.2%    9.1
ILND  Interland           4.88  -0.63  -11.4%  -26.3%    N/A   227.7
WQNI  WorldQuest          2.75  -0.38  -12.0%   -1.7%    N/A    17.5
CHRD  Chordiant           5.13  -0.75  -12.8%  -32.9%    N/A   188.7
HLTH  WebMD              10.50  -1.63  -13.4%  -27.7%  -72.1%    2.3B
CRFH  Crayfish Co.        1.56  -0.25  -13.8%  -70.3%    N/A    79.5
WNET  WHEREVER.net        1.56  -0.25  -13.8%  -40.4%    N/A    38.6
LFMN  Lifeminders        11.50  -1.94  -14.4%  -63.1%  -82.0%  274.3
SAPE  Sapient            27.13  -4.75  -14.9%  -14.5%  -42.9%    3.2B
IBAS  iBasis              7.31  -1.34  -15.5%  -50.3%  -64.7%  249.3
DIGX  Digex, Inc.        32.13  -6.06  -15.9%  -15.6%  -24.5%    2.0B
CRIO  Corio               3.91  -0.75  -16.1%  -57.8%    N/A   189.4
CPTH  Critical Path      37.19  -7.31  -16.4%  -34.1%  -45.4%    2.4B
CLKS  click2learn.com    14.50  -2.94  -16.8%    1.5%   22.9%  244.5
LIOX  Lionbridge          7.50  -1.63  -17.8%  -13.2%  -56.0%  204.9
EGRT  Egreetings          0.28  -0.06  -18.2%  -45.7%  -93.6%    9.9
EGAN  eGain               3.88  -0.88  -18.4%  -34.3%  -80.4%  138.3
WEBX  WebEx              39.63  -9.25  -18.9%   29.2%    N/A     1.4B
IPRT  iPrint.com          1.44  -0.34  -19.3%  -36.0%    N/A    43.1
EVOK  Evoke               3.44  -0.94  -21.4%  -37.5%    N/A   160.9
EQIX  Equinix             6.31  -1.75  -21.7%  -30.6%    N/A   465.7
SVVS  Savvis              2.81  -0.81  -22.4%  -50.0%    N/A   261.5
BWAY  Breakaway Sol.      3.75  -1.13  -23.1%  -51.8%  -82.9%  168.8
NAVI  NaviSite            8.25  -3.13  -27.5%  -75.2%  -79.0%  466.3
LPSN  LivePerson          1.44  -0.56  -28.1%  -68.1%    N/A    42.3
ACRU  Accrue              3.25  -1.44  -30.7%  -48.7%  -83.0%   95.0
DRTN  Data Return         8.75  -4.25  -32.7%  -35.6%  -70.1%  311.1
MAIL  Mail.com            1.59  -0.78  -32.9%  -32.4%  -77.0%   95.2
VCNT  Vicinity 

Corp.      5.00  -3.06  -38.0%  -14.4%    N/A   140.4
FUSN  Fusion Networks     0.31  -0.25  -44.4%  -21.0%    N/A    11.6
      Internet Services Ave.           -11.9%         

Application services provider USinternetworking gets a new lease on
life with a $300 million equity financing package, highlighted by
a $50 million deal with Microsoft. Fusion Networks reported Q3
revenues of $106,243 and a net loss of $3.6 million. This is one 
of the many Internet companies that never should have gone public.
Judging by its stock price, investors agree.

                         11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD    Market
      Company           $Close $Change %Change %Change           Cap   

NTRT  NetRatings         17.00   2.50   17.2%    8.0%  -61.7%   552.2
DIGI  Digital Impact      4.72   0.22    4.9%  -39.7%  -88.9%   117.0
VCLK  ValueClick          4.50  -0.08   -1.7%  -56.2%    N/A    126.0
CBLT  Cobalt Group        3.69  -0.31   -7.8%  -38.6%  -68.8%    65.2
MYPT  MyPoints.com        1.88  -0.19   -9.1%  -71.1%  -96.8%    55.1
CSAV  coolsavings.com     1.25  -0.13   -9.1%  -37.8%    N/A     48.9
LNTY  L90                 5.44  -0.56   -9.4%  -22.9%    N/A    121.6
NTCR  NetCreations        7.00  -0.91  -11.5%  -57.3%  -89.6%   108.5
HPOL  Harris Interactive  3.94  -0.56  -12.5%  -18.9%  -68.8%   134.7
AVEA  Avenue A            3.38  -0.50  -12.9%  -57.1%    N/A    196.0
APLN  @Plan.Inc           5.63  -0.88  -13.5%  -38.2%  -56.6%    63.6
NCNT  Netcentives         6.06  -1.00  -14.2%   -3.3%  -85.8%   258.3
DCLK  DoubleClick        16.00  -2.75  -14.7%  -74.8%  -91.2%     2.0B
PRME  Prime Response      3.44  -0.81  -19.1%  -38.5%    N/A     71.1
MPLX  Mediaplex           1.38  -0.38  -21.4%  -54.5%  -95.0%    46.3
APTM  Aptimus             1.56  -0.44  -21.9%    N/A     N/A     N/A
BFRE  Be Free             3.75  -1.06  -22.1%  -36.5%  -91.1%   244.5
ENGA  Engage              2.19  -1.28  -36.9%  -53.7%  -85.7%   393.3
TFSM  24/7 Media          2.59  -2.05  -44.1%  -56.1%  -90.4%    92.3
      Advertising/Marketing Ave.       -13.7%         
Shares of Web advertising company 24/7 Media plummet after the company 
announces plans to cut 200 jobs, or about 17% of its workforce, by the 
end of this year. And a Merrill Lynch research report predicts that, 
unless TFSM sells equity in other 'Net companies or raises additional
funding, it will run out of cash in Q1. CMGI-owned Engage warns that
revenue growth for next year will slow dramatically. Of the 13 stocks
in this group that have been trading all year, nine have lost more 
than 85% of their value.


                        11/15  7-Day  7-Day   1-Month   YTD   Market
      Company          $Close  Change %Change %Change          Cap
XPDR  Xpedior            1.09   0.09    9.4%  -57.8%  -92.7%   55.3
OGNC  Organic            3.31   0.22    7.1%  -38.7%    N/A   291.4
PRFT  Perficient        12.25   0.50    4.3%    9.5%   11.0%   74.4
CVGP  Convergent Group   7.91   0.03    0.4%   76.7%    N/A   343.3
PECS  PEC Solutions      6.75   0.00    0.0%   -6.8%    N/A   150.3
GENI  GenesisIntermedia 18.00  -0.19   -1.0%    0.4%  182.0%  116.3
MMPT  Modem Media        6.53  -0.47   -6.7%  -38.5%  -87.6%  160.1
DTAS  Digitas           10.00  -0.81   -7.5%  -18.0%    N/A   575.4
INFT  Inforte Corp.     28.25  -3.88  -12.1%  -26.4%    N/A   355.1
LUMT  Luminant           1.56  -0.22  -12.3%  -66.7%  -95.7%   42.3
IISX  Integrated Info.   2.00  -0.31  -13.5%  -49.0%    N/A    40.9
ACOM  AGENCY.COM         8.69  -1.50  -14.7%  -39.5%  -76.3%  309.3
RAZF  Razorfish          4.84  -0.91  -15.8%  -61.6%  -89.1%  460.2
VIAN  Viant        

      4.63  -1.16  -20.0%  -10.8%  -86.9%  221.8
MRCH  marchFIRST         4.00  -1.00  -20.0%  -42.2%  -78.8%  600.9
LNTE  Lante              2.44  -0.69  -22.0%  -40.6%    N/A    96.3
MSPR  Mainspring         5.25  -1.56  -22.9%  -41.9%    N/A    98.7
PXCM  Proxicom           9.00  -3.50  -28.0%  -51.0%  -80.8%  507.9
IIXL  iXL Enterprises    1.44  -0.56  -28.1%  -49.4%  -95.1%  108.8
SCNT  Scient            12.13  -5.25  -30.2%  -40.1%  -79.9%  888.1
      Consultants/Designers Ave.      -11.7%         

Xpedior leads this group almost by default, floating to the top with
a 9-cent gain. XPDR shares really took off on Thursday, gaining 31%
after the company announced it was expanding its software development
agreement with IBM. Alas, even with the Big Blue-inspired surge, 
Xpedior is down 96.2% for the year. Here's how bad things are going
for iXL Enterprises: On Halloween, the company reported horrendous
losses (69 cents per share) for the third quarter, but tried to soften
the blow by simultaneously announcing the hiring of a new COO,
James Gionfriddo. Three days later, iXL was forced to announce that
Gionfriddo would not be joing iXL because of "a prior commitment to
another employer." From the outside, that looks pretty bad.


                         11/15   7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD    Market
      Company           $Close  $Change %Change %Change           Cap 

SCMR  Sycamore Networks  68.44    8.44   14.1%  -25.9%  -16.2%   16.8B
BRCM  Broadcom          169.69   17.88   11.8%   -4.7%   79.2%   37.7B
RSNT  Resonate           46.13    2.63    6.0%   24.0%    N/A     1.2B
CSCO  Cisco Systems      53.56    1.44    2.8%  -12.0%   10.9%  377.2B
TUTS  Tut Systems        31.06    0.50    1.6%  -35.8%    5.3%  485.3
FFIV  F5 Networks        36.56    0.06    0.2%  -30.9%  -73.7%  786.6
TERN  Terayon            19.94   -0.69   -3.3%   -9.3%   42.1%    1.2B
INAP  InterNAP           17.13   -0.81   -4.5%  -45.3%  -78.3%    2.5B
JNPR  Juniper Networks  177.50  -10.69   -5.7%    9.2%  340.2%   56.0B
PKTR  Packeteer          33.56   -2.06   -5.8%  -56.8%  -67.8%  913.2
RDWR  Radware            26.75   -2.13   -7.4%  -20.1%  -39.9%  424.1
SONS  Sonus Networks     37.31   -3.19   -7.9%  -29.1%    N/A     6.8B
AVCI  Avici Systems      40.44   -3.58   -8.1%  -23.0%    N/A     1.9B
AKAM  Akamai             47.06   -4.94   -9.5%  -20.7%  -83.7%    5.0B
WGAT  WorldGate          14.88   -1.75  -10.5%  -29.2%  -59.1%  322.3
ATHM  At Home            10.00   -1.25  -11.1%  -43.1%  -76.6%    4.0B
CFLO  CacheFlow         120.25  -15.75  -11.6%   -3.0%    3.3%    4.8B
INKT  Inktomi            51.81  -11.19  -17.8%  -34.3%   -0.9%    5.9B
HSAC  High Speed Access   2.38   -0.56  -19.1%  -46.5%  -85.3%  132.3
COVD  Covad               4.16   -1.50  -26.5%  -42.0%  -74.9%  643.5
RAMP  Ramp Networks       2.50   -0.94  -27.3%  -62.0%  -86.6%   54.2
COSN  Cosine             17.88   -7.94  -30.8%    N/A     N/A     1.8B
CAIS  CAIS Internet       2.25   -1.13  -33.3%  -12.8%  -81.8%   52.0
IBEM  iBEAM               4.00   -2.44  -37.9%  -29.1%    N/A   433.3
NENG  Network Engines    10.00  -16.00  -61.5%  -17.3%    N/A   341.7
      Speed/Bandwidth Ave.              -12.1%         

Sycamore Networks vaults to the head of this sector on strong Q3 
revenue growth and net income that beat street estimates. Broadcom's 
gains this week evaporated on Thursday after Merrill Lynch warned
that demand for high-speed chips may slow because of excess inventory
at large chip customers such as Cisco Systems. Network Engines gets
hammered after issuing Q3 report showing a pro forma net loss of
5 cents per share. Apparently some news organizations were reporting
that NENG missed forecasts because the company issued a

 press release
on Nov. 9 noting that Wall Street forecasts called for a loss per 
share of 6 cents to 9 cents. I blame some hanging chads.

                             ISPs/ACCESS PROVIDERS

                         11/15  7-Day   7-Day  1-Month   YTD   Market
      Company           $Close $Change %Change %Change          Cap
NZRO  NetZero             1.81   0.19   11.5%  -45.5%  -92.4%  221.8
JWEB  Juno Online         3.38   0.31   10.2%  -48.3%  -91.2%  131.2
HANA  Hanaro Telecom      4.31   0.06    1.5%   11.0%    N/A     1.1B
LOAX  Log On America      2.00   0.00    0.0%  -26.0%  -88.1%   17.6
TLCT  Telocity Delaware   2.75   0.00    0.0%  -54.4%    N/A   233.4
ELNK  EarthLink           7.91  -0.09   -1.2%  -37.0%  -83.4%  987.8
IDTC  IDT Corp.          31.00  -0.94   -2.9%  -17.8%   80.2%    1.1B
PRGY  Prodigy             4.06  -0.19   -4.4%  -45.6%  -74.0%  283.8
ATHY  AppliedTheory       3.88  -0.25   -6.1%  -36.8%  -82.3%   96.2
IGLD  Internet Gold       2.75  -0.25   -8.3%  -46.9%  -84.4%   50.7
IZAP  ZapME!              1.88  -0.22  -10.4%    N/A   -75.5%   84.7
RMII  RMI.Net             1.09  -0.16  -12.5%  -46.8%  -86.5%   24.0
GIGM  GigaMedia           4.97  -0.78  -13.6%  -29.9%    N/A   242.6
PSIX  PSINet              1.81  -0.31  -14.7%  -42.2%  -79.5%  344.5
FREE  Freeserve          18.50  -3.50  -15.9%  -35.9%  -70.1%    1.9B
PNVN  PNV                 0.31  -0.06  -16.7%  -44.4%  -91.7%    5.0
AGCX  Asia Global         5.41  -1.09  -16.8%    N/A     N/A     2.9B
KOREA Korea Thrunet       5.00  -1.06  -17.5%  -36.2%  -92.6%  359.8
IAWK  Iasiaworks          7.31  -1.63  -18.2%  -28.1%    N/A   287.3
VNWI  VIA NET.WORKS       6.44  -1.53  -19.2%  -30.6%    N/A   384.2
NPLI  Netpliance          1.31  -0.31  -19.2%  -48.7%    N/A    79.3
PCNTF Pacific Internet    5.91  -1.47  -19.9%  -61.1%  -88.3%   74.7
ZIPL  Ziplink             0.63  -0.16  -20.0%  -42.4%  -79.3%    8.1
FSST  FASTNET             0.78  -0.22  -21.9%  -16.0%    N/A    11.7
QSCG  QS Communications   8.50  -2.50  -22.7%  -30.4%    N/A   433.3
IIJI  Internet/Japan     21.38  -6.63  -23.7%  -21.0%  -65.3%  961.0
GEEK  Internet America    1.13  -0.38  -25.0%  -54.5%  -85.6%   10.9
ISLD  Digital Island      8.25  -3.06  -27.1%  -46.2%  -84.9%  574.9
DSLN  DSL.net             1.69  -1.06  -38.6%  -35.7%  -78.8%  111.2
      ISP/Access Provider Ave.         -12.9%         

This week's rise is only putting off the inevitable for the aptly
named NetZero, which is headed below $1 per share. Juno Online
Services gains on rumors that it is close to a deal with AOL and
Time Warner regarding open access use of Time Warner's cable lines.


For more of Chris Nerney's Internet stock analysis, check out his
Internet StockTracker on The Internet Stock Report at:

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