The UK’s leading free ISP Freeserve has
announced that it is offering an e-mail notification
service to all its customers.
The launch of e.notifier is being made in association
with PageOne Communications, the UK’s second largest
paging operator. The service lets users receive up to
240 characters of virtually unlimited e-mail notifications
on their pagers.
The Freeserve announcement comes just two weeks after
BT announced its e-mail forwarding service, using the
new BT Message 2000 8-line unit manufactured by Motorola.
Freeserve’s e-mail notification service will cost £19.99 ($32)
to install, with the first three months free. Thereafter
the service costs £10 ($16) per quarter or
£40 ($64) per annum. The special offer ends October 24.
“I am delighted to present this new and entirely unique
product,” said John Pluthero, Freeserve chief executive.
“e-notifier is an exclusive offer to Freeserve users and
represents our commitment to improving content and enhancing
value for our customers.”
This week, the stock market has been worried about Freeserve’s
claims, marking its share price down to below the offer price
for the first time in its history.
BT’s email forwarding service costs companies £19.95
($32) for 150 e-mail messages a month, with each message up
to 175 characters long. BT announced earlier this month
that it was also working on encryption for pagers and linking
pagers to alarm systems.