[Toronto, CANADA] Globeandmail.com has kicked off a $5-million
national brand advertising campaign.
The campaign is aimed to expose consumers to the globeandmail.com Web
site and its full complement of specialty sites and in-depth content.
The ad campaign, created by BBDO for Globe Interactive, uses a common
visual icon of a red dot, which also appears in the logos of all the
sites within the globeandmail.com site, and introduces “For more
information, click here” as the common tagline.
“The timing is right for us to invest substantially in the overall
globeandmail.com brand,” said Sandy Salem, vice-president of
Marketing and Communications for Globe Interactive.
The focus of the new campaign is to highlight the globeandmail.com Web
sites — including globeandmail.com, globeinvestor.com, globefund.com,
workopolis.com, ROBTv.com, globemegawheels.com, and
globetechnology.com — as authoritative sources of information in
their respective areas of expertise.
“Globe Interactive has expanded the Globe brand into many new areas
through a variety of Web sites,” said Jack Neary, BBDO’s chief
creative officer.
“We wanted to capture a simple, single unifying idea that imprints
the overall brand identity in the minds of consumers. The red dot
does that and, like the many globeandmail.com Web sites, offers a
world of creative possibilities.”
The red dot campaign will be popping up in newspaper, online, and
outdoor executions — on video boards, transit shelters, bus backs,
and subway platform Executions, as well as national media and markets.
The campaign also includes radio and a television execution including
primetime network and specialty channel visibility with 30-second,
five, and ten-second teaser ads.
The Globe has gone so far as to feature their video ads on Air
Canada’s in-flight media service.
Globe Interactive and the Globe and Mail are part of The
Thomson Corporation, a global e-information and solutions company in
the business and professional marketplace with 1999 revenues of
US $5.8 billion.
It recently forged a major partnership involving BCE, CTV, and
Sympatico (see: Media Triumvirate Unleashes Multimedia Powerhouse, September 15, 2000).