iHarvest Corp. launched iHarvest One, a free ad-backed
browsing companion that helps users with the Web information management
The product also offers a value-added e-commerce service that automatically
identifies and delivers relevant content and promotional offers from
sponsors. The tool is available via a free download. Flycast Communications is the first
provider of targeted advertisements.
iHarvest One enables users to create, manage, enhance and share content-rich
collections of Web information, called WebBases. The product offers extensive
organizational capabilities, a search-enhancing agent called WebSearch+, and
a companion service called iHarvest One-to-Web that connects consumers with
relevant offers at the point-of-interest.
“Millions of users search the Web each day to find pertinent information for
their work or personal lives, yet they don’t have a good way of keeping,
organizing, and sharing that information for further use,” said Rich
Buchheim, president and CEO of iHarvest. “If you ask people, ‘Have you found
useful information on the Web?’ they say yes, but they have trouble when you
ask them, ‘Where is it now?’ iHarvest delivers a solution
to this problem. . .”
iHarvest One is integrated into the browser for easy drag-and-drop placement
of relevant Web content into adjacent WebBase folders. Upon capture, iHarvest
One analyzes the content and automatically suggests a name and keywords to
help users categorize and retrieve information.
iHarvest users view and experience offers and links via an unobtrusive panel
at the bottom of the browser. iHarvest is able to match user profiles to
relevant online merchandise, services, and content, the company said.
iHarvest One is integrated with Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher for Windows
95/98 and Windows NT. A Netscape Navigator version is due in the fall.