iName, a division of GlobeComm, introduced
a new Web-based e-mail solution that integrates several different e-mail
Available through iName Partner Sites the new services include forwarding to
other e-mail accounts, plus independent POP mailbox storage in addition to
basic Web-based e-mail functionality with personalized e-mail addressing.
In a statement, iName noted that it has accumulated “the largest block of
powerful e-mail specific domain names including:,,,,,” Says the
vendor: “Users with an iName e-mail address can keep their e-mail address for
life, regardless of whether they change jobs or ISPs.”
iName Partner Sites include: Lycos, Time Warner’s Pathfinder, Infospace,
Switchboard,, and Netscape, as well as several NFL teams. Users
at these sites can use the World Wide Web to read, write, and store e-mail,
forward messages to an e-mail address at work or home, set up separate e-mail
accounts under one Internet connection for other family members, or store
e-mail in a separate POP-3 message box.