Infoseek Invites Users to Search Using “E.S.P.”

Infoseek Corp. today launched its new Extra Search Precision (ESP) search engine technology which the company said is designed to automatically anticipate user information and provide more specific search results.

Infoseek said the service is especially geared for those users performing one- or two-word keyword searches because E.S.P. anticipates the services and information that will be most useful to a user.

E.S.P. is designed to provide a more direct path to Web sites searched in which users “benefit” from other user’s experience, and avoid the need to “teach” or train the system their preferences. Though all Web search results are listed for a user, Infoseek said the organization of those choices provides for more relevant hits.

Infoseek said the new technology differs from other navigation services that typically match search words with Web site descriptions, a method, the company said, that usually produces many mismatches.

“Infoseek delivers the most relevant results on the Internet, and with
E.S.P., we can offer outstanding results to customers making general, keyword
searches,” said Sue LaChance, Director of technology products at Infoseek. “To the user, it feels like we are thinking the way they are and,
in a way, we are.”

InfoSeek also announced a new Advanced Search tool that provides users with
a template that guides them in the search query. Advanced Search is
located in the search box on the company’s home page.

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