Interlogue Communications Corp.
delivered Whirl, an enterprise Web traffic analysis application designed to
make e-commerce sites more effective.
Whirl combines exclusive path analysis capabilities with flexible reporting to
help marketers better understand the traffic patterns that drive customers to
make online purchases or downloads, the company said.
“Whirl transforms raw Web traffic data into meaningful intelligence, making it
possible for Web marketers to finally answer the ‘what now?’ questions that
are left unanswered by static Web traffic reports,” said Steve Dyer, president
of Interlogue.
Built to meet the demands of high-traffic enterprise sites, Whirl uses
interactive path analysis to show the specific paths that visitors take as
they enter, browse, and leave the site, even across multiple Web servers.
Whirl analyzes the path that visitors take after clicking on a banner ad or
particular page, which helps Web marketers maximize online sales by directly
associating traffic patterns with electronic sales patterns, the company said.
Whirl approaches interactive path analysis from three fundamental views: by
visitors and their sessions, the most common paths taken, and point-to-point
analysis. Whirl has the ability to drill down on the sessions and extract URL
paths for individual visitors to the Web site.
Using point-to-point path analysis, Whirl also identifies visitors referred
from an online ad, who later went to a key location on the site such as a
download or buy page.
Pricing starts at $7,495 and includes custom installation, integration, and
consulting services.