When the market moves in mysterious ways it’s important to keep the spotlight on performance. Yesterday we highlighted the drop from top and today I back out for a weekly review of where ISDEX is now vs. then. Off 10.6% is the short answer.
Even after April 20’s buying binge in a majority of the 50 stocks here and the sector at large the 10.6% weekly softening gives us context for two things: 1) how much risk investors are willing to be exposed to vs. April 15 and 2) individual stocks in the group that have lost the most since then.
The former drives some valuation while the latter provides a benchmark for how much expectation investors may be willing to allocate any one of these stocks again. Let’s let the numbers show the shakeout:
ISDEX April 15 – April 20
ISDEX ® | 20-Apr-99 | % change | Point change | % change | |
The Internet Stock Index | close | from | from | from | |
www.isdex.com | 15-Apr-99 | 15-Apr-99 | 31-Dec-98 | ||
or 1999 IPO | |||||
ISDEX | 539.01 | -10.6% | -63.98 | 88.0% | |
NASDAQ | 2,409.64 | -4.4% | -112.13 | 9.9% | |
DJIA | 10,448.55 | -0.1% | -14.17 | 13.8% | |
@Home Network | ATHM | $132.75 | -13% | -$19.75 | 79% |
24/7 Media | TFSM | $44.00 | -12% | -$5.81 | 57% |
Amazon.Com | AMZN | $172.00 | 3% | $4.75 | 61% |
America Online | AOL | $128.69 | -11% | -$15.19 | 66% |
Axent | AXNT | $8.94 | -12% | -$1.19 | -71% |
Beyond.com | BYND | $27.06 | -15% | -$4.94 | 30% |
Broadcast.com | BCST | $121.50 | -14% | -$19.00 | 218% |
Broadcom | BRCM | $64.38 | -2% | -$1.13 | 7% |
Broadvision | BVSN | $49.00 | -5% | -$2.38 | 53% |
CDnow | CDNW | $14.44 | -9% | -$1.50 | -20% |
CheckPoint Software | CHKPF | $34.13 | 6% | $2.06 | -26% |
Cisco | CSCO | $101.56 | -8% | -$8.75 | 9% |
CMG Info | CMGI | $206.00 | -25% | -$70.25 | 287% |
CNET | CNET | $105.50 | -17% | -$21.63 | 310% |
Concentric | CNCX | $73.13 | -17% | -$14.88 | 120% |
CyberCash | CYCH | $17.81 | -13% | -$2.63 | 19% |
Cyberian Outpost | COOL | $14.06 | -15% | -$2.44 | -49% |
Doubleclick | DCLK | $128.19 | 0% | $0.31 | 476% |
E*TRADE | EGRP | $89.81 | -11% | -$11.63 | 284% |
Earthlink Network | ELNK | $65.25 | -11% | -$7.75 | 14% |
eBay | EBAY | $162.50 | -9% | -$16.38 | 102% |
Egghead.com | EGGS | $14.25 | -9% | -$1.38 | -32% |
Excite | XCIT | $129.50 | -12% | -$17.44 | 208% |
Exodus | EXDS | $74.00 | 7% | $4.75 | 130% |
GeoCities | GCTY | $112.75 | -12% | -$15.25 | 235% |
Go2Net | GNET | $148.13 | -6% | -$9.75 | 737% |
Infoseek | SEEK | $50.56 | -22% | -$14.06 | 2% |
Infospace.com | INSP | $115.00 | -4% | -$4.19 | 202% |
Inktomi | INKT | $92.44 | -24% | -$28.44 | 43% |
ISS Group | ISSX | $44.00 | -15% | -$8.00 | -20% |
iVillage | IVIL | $80.00 | -24% | -$24.88 | 233% |
Lycos | LCOS | $73.88 | -22% | -$20.69 | 33% |
Mindspring | MSPG | $86.25 | -16% | -$16.50 | 41% |
Network Associates | NETA | $11.06 | -27% | -$4.19 | -83% |
Network Solutions | NSOL | $60.00 | -36% | -$33.50 | -8% |
Onsale | ONSL | $24.00 | -32% | -$11.06 | -40% |
Open Market | OMKT | $13.06 | -13% | -$1.94 | 12% |
Preview Travel | PTVL | $20.75 | 2% | $0.38 | 13% |
Prodigy | PRGY | $29.06 | -18% | -$6.44 | 94% |
PSINet | PSIX | $48.81 | -11% | -$5.88 | 134% |
RealNetworks | RNWK | $181.06 | 1% | $1.06 | 405% |
Security Dynamics | SDTI | $17.63 | 7% | $1.13 | -23% |
Security First Technologies | SONE | $101.13 | -12% | -$13.88 | 232% |
Sportsline USA | SPLN | $43.63 | -17% | -$9.13 | 180% |
USWeb | USWB | $25.38 | -6% | -$1.69 | -4% |
Verio | VRIO | $58.75 | -10% | -$6.25 | 163% |
Verisign | VRSN | $112.50 | -28% | -$44.06 | 90% |
VocalTec | VOCLF | $10.06 | -7% | -$0.81 | -11% |
Xoom.com | XMCM | $70.25 | -14% | -$11.75 | 113% |
Yahoo! | YHOO | $171.00 | -12% | -$23.63 | 44% |
(c) 1999 internet.com
Of the above that have taken a beating it’s the ones that are off more than 20% the past week that some attention should perhaps be paid to. Some news behind the moves:
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