A variety of deals helped many of the leading Internet
stocks rocket forward Monday, sending both the Nasdaq and the Internet
Stock Index to record highs.
The Internet Stock Index broke the 300 barrier for the first time in its
three-year history and the Nasdaq rose 51.89 to close at a record 2,138.02.
Some of the winners included America Online
Inc. (NYSE: AOL), which rose 12-1/2 to 116-3/4 after it signed a
multi-year bundling agreement with Dell
Computer Corp. The deal will put AOL’s new 4.0 access software on
consumer computers sold in the United States and Canada.
Internet auctioneer Onsale, Inc.
(Nasdaq: ONSL) jumped 24-5/16 to 68 after sealing a deal with Yahoo! to provide auction services for its
small business Web site. Yahoo! jumped 34-15/16 to 247-1/4 after it
announced it
was launching a new shopping site.
Other strong gainers, moving on no specific news, included Real Networks
Inc. (Nasdaq: RNWK), up 7 to 46-3/4, Earthlink Network Inc., up 6-1/8 to
68-3/4, DoubleClick Inc. (Nasdaq:
DCLK), up 5-7/16 to 48-1/2 and Internet auctioneer eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY), which soared 44-1/8 to