[London, ENGLAND] Launched Wednesday at Internet World in
Scotland is a new ISP named Jings! that insists it can take
over the Scottish market with its combination of free, unmetered
and ADSL offerings.
Jings! is the brainchild of iomart Group plc, the Glasgow-based
telecoms and Internet services company that is behind the
equally hyped and and highly successful consumer ISP madasafish.
(Yes, that’s Mad As A Fish.)
Iomart’s Angus MacSween said his company was on a mission to
wire Scotland with the best Internet platform available.
“Our vision is to create an online Scotland – a truly digital
nation that reflects the interests of modern Scots and contemporary
He could be right. Traditionally, the most northerly countries
of Europe have contained the most active users of the Internet.
In Iceland, too, no less than 84 percent of the population
has access to the Internet either at home or at work, according
to press reports earlier this week.
In its advance publicity, Jings! is putting as much emphasis on
its Web portal as on its Internet connection services. Calling
it “the tastiest, up and coming Web portal of 2000,” Jings!
promises innovative content that will appeal to Scottish users.
“The Jings! philosophy is geared positively towards delivering
top notch local content from every corner of Scotland,” said
MacSween insisted that although Jings! will present a lot of
local news it will not be parochial. The “modern Scot” is judged
to have “a broad and healthy world view” and is just as likely
to want news about Kuala Lumpur as about Cumbernauld, according to
As for the connnections — there is a whole range of packages
on offer, including standard dial up access, high-speed ADSL,
and two flat rate monthly fee unmetered access options.
Iomart has not resisted the temptation to introduce wildlife
into its branding, but this time it is not a fish but Murdo the
Midge that becomes the service’s mascot. Perhaps in an attempt
to please “the modern Scot,” iomart has made it a design-conscious
metallic midge that promises not to sting the customers.