Lawmakers in Suffolk County, New York have made it illegal for people to
juggle talking on a cell phone while driving a car. The move marks the
first county in the U.S. to put the clamps on ubiquitous multitasking
motorists, but it won’t likely be the last. The law will go live in 2001,
and makes the violation a finable offense to the tune of $150.
Frankly, I’m floored that lawmakers throughout the country haven’t been
inclined to enact this sort of legislation sooner. There’s nothing more
aggravating than a reckless driver with their flapjack surgically attached
to a cell phone, and the potential dangers are readily apparent. I’ll ‘fess
up and let you know that I’m no fan of the serial cell-user. I’m not
talking about the discreet businessperson on the go. I’m talking about the
wannabe who uses the mobile device as a veritable vanity plate.
How many times have you been to a social event, and despite the master of
ceremonies’ best efforts to direct attendees to shut off their cell-phones
and beepers, inevitably some goof’s belt-buckle in the next row starts
playing La Cucaracha? There are plenty of alternative ways to be
alerted by an incoming call, and I’m convinced it’s a sign of insecure
people desperate for a little attention. And while we’re on the subject of
cellular telephones, for such a bright-eyed invention, how come users’
conversations always sound the same?
*Obnoxious personalized ring*
Joe: Hello?
Joe: Hi Jane.
Joe: I can’t hear you, Janeyou’re breaking up.
Joe: Hold onI’ll call you back.
Or the play-by-play:
*Obnoxious personalized ring*
Joe: Hello?
Joe: Hi Jane.
Joe: Yeah, I’m just eating my dinner in a restaurant talking on my cell
Joe: Yeah, I’m just eating my Caesar salad now.
Joe: Yeah, I’m just washing it down with some iced tea.
Joe: Oknice talking to youI’ll call you later.
But petty annoyances are one thing. Driving while dialing and gabbing is
just flat-out dangerous. our The phenomenon of driving while talking on a
cell phone is a byproduct of constantly multitasking society. Traffic isn’t
enough to keep drivers’ Post-It note attention spans occupied anymore.
These days it’s a Chalupa in one hand while tuning the radio with the
other, with one knee on the wheel. And of course, that cell phone
precariously balanced between one’s shoulder and half an ear.
Look, I traditionally detest government sticking its nose into peoples’
private business. But cell phone users have a lot to learn about mobile
etiquette 101. Could be a few rotten apples spoiling it for the bunch, but
the coming backlash against talking-head motorists is on the loose. Watch
for other state and local government lawmakers to follow suit, and most
handhelds to be outlawed behind the wheel over the next five years. You’ll
be happy to know you can still continue to chat away with a hands-free
device, but at least you’ll have an appendage free to grab the wheel and
another to shoot the occasional bird.
Any questions or comments, love letters or hate mail? As always, feel
free to forward them to
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