M�diam�trie Venture Expands Ad Services

French online audience measurement firm Médiamétrie has teamed with ACNielsen eRatings.com and Netratings to launch a new tracking, advertising and user activity service in France.

The three partners formed a joint venture called Médiamétrie eRatings.com. Médiamétrie will control 50 percent, Netratings will have a 30 percent stake and ACNielsen eRatings.com will own the remaining 20 percent. Netratings also holds a separate stake in ACNielsen eRatings.com.

The Médiamétrie measurement tool, named Cybermétrie, is currently used on a limited number of sites which subscribe to its service. However, with its partnership with ACNielsen eRatings.com and Netratings, wMédiamétrie will be able to provide improved solutions for tracking audiences, advertising and user activity on the Internet.

The new service integrates ad banner tracking with user demographics , and is designed for pre- and post-campaign ad analysis. It is capable of reporting descriptions on the audience which views and clicks on ad banners, which it produces independently of site-based traffic analysis and server logs. Data is collected through Insight, a Java-client software.

“No other competitor covers as many countries as we do. We will be present in more than 30 countries using a unique technology,” said William Pulver, President of ACNielsen eRatings.com.

The company faces competition from rivals such as MMXI Europe, a subsidiary of Media Metrix, and fellow French ratings company Netvalue.

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