Manage.Com Delivers Enterprise-Wide Transaction Manager

Santa Clara, CA-based Manage.Com delivered its FrontLine e.M
software to allow enterprises doing business over the Web to securely manage
transactions and processes across an extended electronic community.

The company said the app ensures “quality of service. . .for suppliers,
customers and partners. . .” FrontLine e.M was designed specifically to be
“extranet-ready” and manages transactions across firewalls, providing in a
single package all the monitoring, control, configuration and diagnostic
functions needed in a heterogeneous extranet, the company said.

The key to FrontLine e.M’s usability is e.Connect, a “live” connection
service from the user’s site to a Manage.Com Web site containing e.Registry,
a portal that offers management logic for any kind of device, application or
service, the company said. Whenever a new type of managed object is added to
the user’s extranet, the FrontLine e.M software automatically “learns” how to
manage that object by downloading appropriate information across the Web from

Written in industry-standard XML (extensible markup language) and built on a
native CIM (common information model) database, FrontLine e.M provides a
browser-based mechanism for acquiring, integrating and exchanging data within
and between disparate network-enabled applications and devices.

When a pre-defined service level for one of a company’s key transactions,
such as online ordering, is not being met, FrontLine e.M can automatically
activate a pre-set policy consisting of a series of actions. First the device
or service causing the problem (e.g., database, e-mail, firewall, router or
web server) is located, then the specific cause is pinpointed (e.g., the
database has run out of free space), and finally action is taken to resolve
the problem (e.g., freeing up additional space and/or reconfiguring the
database so more space will be available in the future).

FrontLine e.M will be available in July. Pricing starts at $50,000 and
includes one year of basic e.Connect service.

Manage.Com will continue to offer its original product, FrontLine FastStart,
which provides unified management for smaller e-business intranet and
data-center environments. FrontLine FastStart pricing starts at $15,000.

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