Opt-in e-mail marketing firm NetCreations Inc. launched a new
affiliate program for its PostMasterDirect.com network.
The program is aimed at small and mid-sized Web sites, said NetCreations
Rosalind Resnick.
The PostMasterDirect.com List Affiliate Network will help NetCreations and
its partner sites accelerate the growth of their three million-member e-mail
database and provide marketers with additional targeted opt-in lists, the
company said.
The PostMasterDirect.com e-mail marketing service provides lists of
consumers and business owners who have voluntarily signed up to receive
e-mail offers on topics of interest.
The PostMasterDirect.com List Affiliate Network allows participating sites to
earn a royalty of 25 percent every time a list they build is sold. Affiliate
sites are paid proportionately to the number of e-mail addresses that they
contribute to the database.
Affiliates contribute addresses by placing HTML buttons on their sites and
encouraging visitors to click through and sign up to receive commercial e-mail
messages on topics of interest.
“Based on our historical track record, this means that our affiliates could
easily earn as much as $1 a year for every email address they send us,” said
Michael Szerencsy, PostMasterDirect.com’s list manager.
NetCreations and its list management partners already have recruited more
than 2,500 affiliate sites.