[May 15] — News Interactive, the online
business unit of Rupert Murdoch’s News Limited media empire, has
revamped its Web site to focus on improved design and more latest news delivery.
The new focus for the site is on content enhancement and improved
readability, which will incorporate a unique online writing style and
easier navigation throughout the site.
The site, which launched less than a year ago, is now one of the top
three trafficked sites in Australia, according to independent research
analysts IMR/Red Sherrif.
Red Sherrif data indicates that the news.com.au range of sites, which
includes general news, AustralianIT, AFL (Australian
Football League), careers, homes and auctions, attracts over half a
million unique visitors per month and also increased the number of page
impressions by 22 per cent since November last year.
“This new version of the site continues our vision to be Australia’s
premier interactive news service,” said News Interactive director John
Beeston. “We want to give visitors a reason to return to the site
throughout the day to get the latest up-to-date, focused and credible
news information,” he said.
Beeston said this change is to be reflected with the hiring of
several new staff who have recently been appointed.