The world’s largest independent news integrator,
NewsEdge Corp., extended its European presence by opening
offices in Geneva and Amsterdam.
The Swiss office will service major
accounts in central Europe, including Nestle and Novartis, while the Dutch
office will serve the Benelux region. The European headquarters of the
Burlington, Massachusetts-based firm, are in London.
growing presence in European countries mirrors the growth of the
adoption of NewsEdge services throughout the Continent and the world,” said Jon McNerney, international VP of NewsEdge. “Over the course of the last year, we have greatly expanded the
organisation which directly serves NewsEdge customers, and have
located those resources near our customers.”
Recently, NewsEdge formed relationships with many more European
suppliers of news information, including providers who furnish content in
French, German, Dutch, and Spanish. The information providers for the
NewsEdge service include Agence France Press, Deutsche
Presse-Agentur, EIU ViewsWire, Het Financieele Dagblad, and
Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste.
One of the major European users of NewsEdge is the Swiss firm Nestle, that installed the service in 1994.
“NewsEdge is available on an
enterprise-wide scale so every single worker within the organisation can
benefit from the advanced range of services it offers,” commented Jean-Marc Lilla, global intranet
manager for Nestle.
NewsEdge says its mission is “to make news valuable for busy people at
work”–a refreshingly concise statement in an era of information