Online Shopping in the Czech Republic Blooms

[Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC] The first worldwide study of e-commerce,
published by Taylor Nelson Sofres Interactive (TNSI), reveals that Internet and
online shopping is becoming a significant component in the lifestyle and
purchasing of products and services in the Czech Republic.

The market research firm ranked the Czech Republic eighth among online
shoppers in the 27 countries surveyed across Europe, Asia-Pacific and
North America. More Czech Internet users are online shoppers than
in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy or France, according to the study. About 14 percent
of Internet users in the Czech Republic bought goods or services
online during the past month. This compares with the average online
shopping for users across all 27 countries of 10 percent. Moreover,
there seems to be strong potential of further growth in the field of
Internet and online shopping in the Czech Republic.

Across all countries surveyed, average Internet usage stands at 27 percent
with the Czech Republic having 22 percent. This research, based
solely on interviews and done since April to June 2000, thus provides
information on just how many Czech Internet users exist. The estimates published
to date varies from 500,000 to 1.5 million, depending on the methodology
and definition of Internet user. The current estimate by TNSI is the highest yet:
total Czech population is 10.3 million, therefore there are more than 2.25
million Internet users according to the agency.

Despite these positive numbers, e-commerce in the Czech Republic is
still in the early stages of development. According to the local
analyses, there are about 1.000 Web sites in the Czech Republic which
sell goods online, and of those, only three sell more than US $100,000
worth of merchandise a year. On the other hand, things are changing
quickly. The study of Deloitte&Touche dealing with the Q1 of 2000
estimates the year-over-year growth rate of total revenue of Czech
e-commerce as high as 600%. The number of e-shops is increasing by
similar rate.

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