Zorawar ‘Biri’ Singh,SVP Converged Cloud and HP Cloud Services, delivered a keynote at the OpenStack Summit detailing what it will take to make the cloud real.
“Over time there will be a common stack that emerges and that’s the opportunity for OpenStack,” Singh said. “That’s hundreds of billions of spending, not the 6 or 10 billion that the public cloud market might be worth today.”
Fundamentally, it’s a shift from capital expenditures to operational expenditures that defines the cloud opportunity. In terms of public vs. private cloud Singh argues that for HP it’s all about delivery.
“I don’t like the term hybrid cloud,” Singh said. “As an IT vendor our job is about delivery so we call it hybrid delivery.”
Making it Real
For Singh, the next step for the cloud is to move to increasing volumes of real production workloads. He added that production cloud workloads need to provide the traditional types of reliability, predictability and recovery capabilities.
“SLAs and orchestration are the two things that matter,” Singh said. “Customers want enterprise grade quality of service.”
Read the full story at Datamation:
HP: The Keys to the Cloud are SLAs
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.