[Sydney, AUSTRALIA] Jobnet has launched a Web site acting as a measurement resource for vacancies in the Internet industry.
The site, Jobstats, which is intended for a range of users including industry bodies, job seekers and candidates and recruitment agencies, has collated the information it processes on a daily basis into an ongoing, overall picture.
The data used to compile Jobstats, which is sponsored by Andersen Contracting, comes from Jobnet’s job search Web site, which carries over 25,000 IT vacancies from more than 450 recruitment agencies, according to the company.
“Jobstats looks at the movement in jobs and the general overall trends in the industry,” said Jobnet’s marketing manager Doug Hughes. “The information is gauged from the daily movements on the Jobnet site and collated to produce JobStats.”
While the free service allows users to gain a snapshot of current employment trends in the sector, Jobnet claims the site is the only IT job trends indicator that addresses the industry on an employment category-by-employment category basis.
Categories include Programming Languages, Operating Systems, Databases, Internet Technologies and Middleware, documenting the changes in demand for each.
Jobstats also breaks down employment trends by capital city, allowing a user to discern which locations offer the best and worst IT career prospects.
The most popular jobs are ranked according to the number advertised with Jobnet at that time, and changes daily as a percentage and searches indicate the most popular searches made by job applicants from within that category.