Redback Networks, AsiaInfo Form Broadband Alliance

Redback Networks , a
provider of advanced networking, and AsiaInfo , a
China-based provider of Internet infrastructure, solutions and software,
Tuesday unveiled a plan to speed up and simplify the rollout of broadband
services throughout China.

Through a strategic alliance, Redback will integrate its subscriber
system with AsiaInfo’s customer
management and billing software.

Combined, these products will offer
carriers, ISPs and cable operators a means to
acquire and manage thousands of broadband subscribers, and speed up
broadband providers’ ability to launch new services.

The integrated solution will allow end users to select and sign
up for new services online more quickly and cost-effectively.
They will also be able to choose from a variety of pricing plans.

“China is one of the fastest growing broadband markets in the world,”
Steve Young, vice president of Asia Pacific Operations at Redback Networks.
“By working with AsiaInfo, I am confident that we can
help to accelerate the adoption of broadband services across the country.”

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