Report Details Hottest IT Investments

New technology is a mixed bag for IT. On the one hand, the latest tech products and services are marketed with promises of benefits like lower costs, improved efficiency and better performance. But implementation often requires a costly or time-consuming transition with no guarantee of the promised pay off.

Computer Economics surveyed over 200 IT organizations to find out what technologies they’re investing in and their plans for adoption. CIO Update reports on the findings.

Despite the economic downturn, IT continues to evaluate and invest in select technologies and Windows 7, desktop virtualization and unified communications topped the list of the most popular technologies IT executives said they are investing in, according to a survey released this week by Computer Economics.

Of these three, Windows 7 is primed to make the biggest gains in terms of most rapid adoption.

Read the full story at CIO Update:

Windows 7, UC Among Hottest IT Projects

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