[Toronto, CANADA] RxRite.com Inc. will launch a service for the wireless creation and transmission of electronic prescriptions on the BlackBerry wireless handheld from Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM).
It enables physicians to connect with RxRite’s Internet-based prescription service anywhere, anytime and allows RxRite to deliver their e-prescription service directly into the hands of physicians, without requiring computers and Internet connectivity.
“The affinity between physicians and pagers was not lost on us. We wanted to offer something that incorporated cutting-edge secure wireless technology with the familiarity of a pager that physicians would inherently be comfortable with,” said Rod Dobson, president & chief executive officer of RxRite.
Using RxRite Wireless, a physician creates an electronic prescription either at the point-of-care (office, emergency room) or from a remote setting. The BlackBerry handheld with RxRite’s wireless application connects to the RxRite Internet-based gateway.
Through this wireless channel, and with the patient’s consent, the physician can access prescription history, allergy status, conflicting medications, and formulary (drug coverage) information. The e-prescription is created and then routed through RxRite’s gateway to the patient’s choice of pharmacy. Once filled at the pharmacy, the physician can receive immediate confirmation on the prescription status.
Commercial roll-out of the wireless e-prescription service will begin this fall, starting with a pilot project.
RxRite’s switching technology offers the ability for physicians, pharmacies, patients, and third-party payers (health insurers) to communicate through their Internet gateway for the creation, transmittal, and processing of electronic prescriptions.