Sandpiper Ramping Up for Global Operations

Sandpiper Networks Inc. Tuesday
opened its European operations and announced plans to increase its presence
in the global market.

The company plans to build servers into 30 networks to create a global
content delivery and local access system. Sandpiper formed an alliance with
Protege, which has experience creating similar systems in North America, to
build the European headquarters.

Sandpiper’s Footprint CDN is present in 30 major networks, and by the end of
the year the company will be deployed in more than 15 countries throughout
Europe and Asia.

Last week, the company formed partnerships with five Internet firms to
develop new services for its Content Delivery Network: ABC Interactive,
Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), Real Media, RealNetworks (RNWK) and Vignette (VIGN).

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