Spyglass Ships Prism 2.1

Spyglass Inc. Tuesday started shipping a new product
designed to prepare Web content for delivery across a variety of devices.

Spyglass Prism 2.1 is a server-based content delivery application platform
designed to visit Web sites and selectively extract and package
content into formats that match the specific requirements of any access
device. It will work with laptop computers, handheld PCs, television
systems and mobile phones.

Spyglass said Version 2.1 offers speedier performance thanks to
improvements in cache access speed and memory management.

“Spyglass Prism has been a very successful product, because we have
recognized our customers’ need for a product that is customizable and
flexible,” said Jack Armstrong, Spyglass director of Internet solutions.

“These enhancements to Spyglass Prism are in response to our customers
wanting the total solution to meet their needs in delivering high
quality data services regardless of the access device. We have also
recognized the explosive market potential for non-PC devices and someone
will need to deliver Internet content to them. Spyglass offers a
solution designed to exclusively solve this challenge.”

Versions of Prism 2.1 are available for Windows NT 4.0 or Solaris 2.5.1

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