[Berlin, GERMANY] According to a study published by the Leipzig
mediaoffice.net, 154 professional Internet newsletters offering advertisements
exist for the German-speaking market. They are seen by 3.3 million users. The
newsletters have an average of 24,000 subscribers. According to the study,
the subscribers are primarily interested in finances and the stock market,
followed by subjects dealing with the Internet and computers. 60 percent of
the e-mail newsletters are published weekly, 18 percent every two weeks and
14 percent are published daily. A quarter of all electronic news services
are available in HTML.
The newsletter providers calculate a price of between DM 30 (US $14) and DM
250 (US $116) per thousand hits. The most expensive is DM 6,400 (US $2972) per single
placement for a reader in ‘Teltarif.de’ newsletter (DM 80, 80,000 subscribers) (US $37).
Nevertheless, the brand new high-quality e-mail market is still a very good deal. For just
under DM 200,000, (US $92.871) advertisers obtained around 3.3 million
viewings. Many services have been created just within the past year – ‘Cybernews’, which
has been published for five years, is the newsletter ‘old-timer’.
Market researchers estimate a period of rapid growth within the next five
years for the e-mail market. According to a study done by Jupiter in May,
the market will reach a total volume of $7.3 billion, making e-mail newsletters
an ideal advertising media with a large potential: A poll taken by NFO Interactive
showed that 73 percent of all Internet customers prefer ‘permission e-mail
advertising’ as an information source concerning new products. One advantage
of e-mail advertising stands out: The desired target group can be addressed
quickly and with little dissipation loss; the ‘click-thru-rate’ is higher than with
traditional banner advertising.”