The rules for domain names in Sweden are getting more liberal to adapt to
the needs of a fast-growing domain name market.
Swedish top domain .se will be expanded on April 3 to include four country
level domain designations. The new domains include for
organizations; for political parties; for magazines and
newspapers; and for trademarks. However, in practice the most popular
domain name ending is expected to continue its reign — the .com.
Under the new rules, companies are now allowed to register more than one
domain name. Private enterprises also gain under the revision, and can now
register directly under the .se-domain instead of the rarely-noticed
regional sublevel.
Osten Franberg, Chairman of the II-trust, said that the new rules are “the
first step” towards opening the country-level domain and growing domain name
“We will continue to make the rules more liberal in time,” said Franberg.
“The work with version 3.0 of the rules has in principal already started.”
The rules are set by the II-trust and are
then handled by NIC-SE.
Sweden’s NIC-SE currently boasts around 38,000 country-level domain names.