Cheers and Tears Custom Designs Friday launched a new division for a free e-mail forwarding service,, developed by the unit’s 14-year-old Chief Executive Officer Cameron Johnson. And this isn’t even his first online business.
MyEZmail forwards all e-mail sent to the user’s account to a second e-mail address without the sender’s knowledge. The sender will not know the e-mail’s final destination. The fact that the user’s real e-mail address isn’t revealed also keeps someone from looking up other personal information through an e-mail directory.
Since the service works with existing POP e-mail accounts, users don’t need to visit a Web site to check their e-mail. The cost of the service is covered by sponsors.
“I am pleased to be a part of MyEZmail and its growing success,” said Johnson. “I
see as a turning point in Internet security for all Internet users.”