[Sydney, AUSTRALIA] Market Faxts Ltd has signed an agreement with
California-based UDU World to enhance its Infochoice-branded Web sites using an
e-mail information service called UDUit.
The company said it expected to see a major increase in users through
the addition of an information retrieval system supplied by UDU World. Market Faxts will deploy the
system to support a range of opt-in mailing lists which it claims will
broaden the appeal and loyalty of its sites.
Managing director Mr Chris Gosselin said, “UDU fits our Infochoice
business model perfectly. We generate revenue from delivering information
to consumers and e-commerce, not advertising. Our model works when the
consumer is able to access our comparative content – either online of via
the UDUit e-mail service.”
The first Infochoice site to use the service will be BankChoice, a site
which compares financial service offerings. Other Infochoice sites cover
share trading, farming and telecommunications. The company plans to launch
a range of sites covering insurance, funds management and healthcare in the
near future.