ParaSoft Corp.
recently released its new Web management tool, WebKing, designed to make
Web sites flawless by fixing errors and testing thoroughly before the sites
go online.
WebKing is the main module of a new range of Web tools
from ParaSoft, and is the first to provide Web managers with everything
necessary for overhauling their sites and keeping them up-to-date.
The management tool automatically tests for bad links, spelling errors,
missing sources,
malformed URLs, empty URLs, duplicate and missing anchors, orphaned
files, site replication and other criteria. The company said it has the
first HTML-aware spell checker, which checks spelling without returning
false reports triggered by HTML tags.
“Web site quality has been and still is seriously neglected,” said ParaSoft
CEO Adam Kolawa. “Companies are setting much lower standards for their Web
sites than they do for their other critical business tools.”
“This isn’t because they lack a commitment to quality, but because it is
nearly impossible to
produce an impeccable Web site using the tools that are currently available.
What is so great about WebKing is that it gives Web developers the ability to
create Web sites of the highest quality–without any additional work.”
WebKing also automates publishing, page compression, source
control management, file replication and site packaging. It can test sites
stored on local directories, ensuring that they are completely error-free when
they go online.
A beta version of WebKing is available immediately, and the product is
expected to ship
on Windows and Linux in the first quarter of 1999.