Ad-backed ‘Get Paid To Surf the Web’ Service Launched launched
a new ad-backed service that pays Internet users to be online in exchange for
putting the Viewbar at the bottom of their browser window when surfing.

Members earn money anytime they are online and display the Viewbar,
which opens automatically whenever their browser is launched. The Viewbar sits
at the
bottom of the browser window and acts like a time clock, crediting members 50
cents for every hour they spend online (up to 40 hours or $20 per month).

The Viewbar displays information along with sponsor
and advertising messages. Members can turn the Viewbar off and on at will,
choosing to “clock out” or “clock in” anytime they like.

“The great thing is that our members can use the Internet the same way they
always have, but now they get paid for it,” said Jim Jorgensen, CEO. “Members do not need to change their browser, e-mail
address or ISP, and they can minimize or close the Viewbar with one click at
any time.”

In addition to the rewards of their own online time, members earn money for
each hour spent online by someone they have referred to was founded in February 1999 by four partners, including
Jorgensen, a co-founder and former CEO of Discovery Zone. Initial advertisers
were not disclosed.

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