Online marketing services provider
AdKnowledge on Monday launched “AdKnowledge Optimization Services,” an
outsourced ad campaign management and optimization tool for marketers and ad
AdKnowledge, a subsidiary of Engage Inc., said the new, Web-based “AdKnowledge Optimization
Services” will especially help advertising agencies that want to outsource
these services — so they can be free to concentrate on media planning,
negotiating and creative design and production.
After AdKnowledge staff work with customers to devise a set of marketing
campaign objectives, the campaign will be set up, trafficked and managed
through the automated system, which measures results, and then recommends
steps to further optimize those results.
AdKnowledge said on Monday that this “continuous optimization service” has a
different focus from the optimization services offered by parent company
Engage Inc.
“Our entire focus is on driving results and maximizing ROI for our
customers. By leveraging the methodology and experience of an already
seasoned team, we’re looking forward to making a major impact in the area of
optimization,” said John Mracek, president of AdKnowledge.
“This extended service is a logical extension to our other services and is
another example of Engage’s commitment to providing results-oriented
solutions to marketers,” said Mracek.