Atomic PSR Changes Name to Carbon 14, Adds Clients

The partners of Atomic PSR said they have changed the name of
their interactive communications agency to Carbon14.

Carbon14 also said it recently added new clients, including Legoland,
Pioneer Electronics, Sprint PCS, Ocean Pacific Apparel Corp., FeatureCast,
Habitat for Humanity, HUM Music and Fox Television’s America’s Most Wanted and
The Wolfgang Puck Food Co.

“We still believe the essence of creating a compelling interactive presence
begins with the natural extension of the brand itself,” said George Penner, a
partner at Carbon14.

All three partners have experience within the traditional advertising world
Joseph Shak and Penner were in account management for years before founding
Rubin Postaer Interactive, as vice-presidents in 1995. Matt Reinhard was a
vice president and creative director at Foote, Cone and Belding in Chicago.

Regarding the new name, Reinhard said, “The link between living things is that
they’re all carbon-based. It is a natural way of describing what we’re all

The three partners started the full-service interactive agency 12 months ago
and now have 10 clients.

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