Walled Lake, MI-based banner ad exchange BannerCo-Op.com launched a promo campaign
that will award 1 million banner ad impressions to the winner of a drawing at
the site.
The BannerCo-op offers free membership and lets members earn a full one to
one credit (instead of two to one). And as an added incentive, the company
says, any time a visitor clicks on any paid ad appearing on your site, you
get 10 cents.
“We needed something to draw attention. Even though our program is
the hottest thing going, with all the clutter out there not everyone knows
about it yet,” said Michael T. Glaspie, co-founder and director of
BannerCo-Op Inc. “Now they will.”
Each month until the grand prize One Million Banner Drawing on July 1, 1999,
the Co-Op has a mini-drawing for 25,000 banner ads. Details are available here.