Basic Brand Metrics on a Budget

In a bid to deliver branding performance metrics to a wider spectrum of its customers, Eyeblaster is incorporating attitudinal surveys from Dynamic Logic into version 5.4 of its rich media platform.

Dubbed the Eyeblaster Brand Test and due for release next month, the product aims to capitalize on the branding credentials of rich media while enhancing the company’s campaign offerings. It comes at a competitively critical time for Eyeblaster, as the company tries to hold onto its leadership position while DoubleClick pushes its new Motif solution. Motif is a self-managed rich media ad management and tracking product many analysts believe spells trouble for other rich media vendors.

The new tool lets marketers create and deploy their own branding effectiveness tests within the Eyeblaster platform. Marketers will select from a set of pre-defined questions depending on their research goals. The surveys will then be delivered and reported via a methodology that measures the responses and attitudes of users exposed to an ad vs. those who are not. (Eyeblaster will serve .GIF or non-rich media ads to establish a control group.)

This is the first time Dynamic Logic has licensed its branding effectiveness survey system to a third party, according to a company spokesperson. The offering is somewhat similar to the research firm’s Ad Index Core offering, a lower cost solution Dynamic Logic offers clients that do their own analysis. The Eyeblaster Brand Test won’t offer as many customization options as the research firm’s own product.

“Our partnership with Eyeblaster opens the door for smaller budget marketers who need the basic metrics, but not the customization or analysis,” said Nick Nyhan, CEO of Dynamic Logic.

The Brand Test will be available only for campaigns served exclusively by Eyeblaster, partly because the survey tool is integrated into the ad serving software. Results will be delivered within Eyeblaster’s platform.

“You can deliver ads, see how they’re doing, and do a branding study, all in one platform. This will put pressure on the other vendors out there,” said Corey Kronengold, Eyeblaster manager of corporate communications.

That rich media improves the branding effectiveness of online campaigns is old news. By introducing attitudinal metrics, the Brand Test aims to bring more specific data on individual campaigns to a wider spectrum of advertisers.

Financial terms of the partnership were not disclosed.

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