Marketing firm Boerner Inc. is doing PSA work for the National Crime Prevention Council, and will launch a Web site offering kids and parents Halloween crime prevention and safety tips from McGruff the Crime Dog.
The site will offer children a new safety and crime prevention tip each week during October, which is National Crime Prevention Month. Kids can also sign-up for a round-up of McGruff
Halloween information including, Halloween safety tips, inexpensive recipe
ideas, jokes and a math game, the company said. The Halloween information will be delivered via
“We’ve heard a lot about the negative issues surrounding the Internet, but
this is one example of using this tool in a positive way to help children be
safe,” said Louis G. Dominguez of the National Crime Prevention Council.
The Web site and all McGruff Safe Kids crime prevention materials are produced
following an extensive research and development process that includes reviews
by law enforcement professionals, educators, parents and children. Boerner
is an official licensee of the National Crime Prevention Council.
The site also will offer free download availability of the three top software
programs for controlling and restricting Internet activities and sections for
parents to share their ideas about safety as well as links to other crime
prevention resources on the Internet