Closing date for entries in the International Web Page Awards is Nov. 30.
Entries are being taken from Web page designers, advertising agencies,
corporations or individuals who wish to spotlight their creative achievements in interactive
graphic design.
Entry fees are $85 per Web site, per category. Winners will be notified in
February 1999 and receive their awards at a black tie dinner on April 22 at
The Palace in Sunnyvale, CA.
According to Edwin Fish, chairman of the International Web Page Awards, the
contest already has received more than 100 entries from traditional and online
advertising agencies.
The awards cover 30 categories, including advertising, arts, entertainment,
corporate, finance, education, health, news, personal Web pages, religion,
philosophy, science, sports and travel. Sites can also be entered for audio
qualities, graphic qualities,
print/Zines and video qualities. More information is available here.