Citibank Signs Ad Pact with OnHealth Network

Seattle-based OnHealth Network Co. signed Citibank as a sponsor of its site. Spending was not disclosed.

“By advertising on, Citibank is endorsing the
site’s credible and reliable content, while appealing to the growing audience
of women online,” said Robert Goodman, president of OnHealth Network. “The
Citibank agreement clearly shows that top companies in all fields, not just
health-related, are attracted to our. . . demographic.”

Other advertisers on the site include Procter & Gamble, Claritin and Dr.
Scholl’s (Schering-Plough), and Cancer Treatment Centers of America. offers coverage of health news and issues, resources and
references, community discussions, direct access to experts, interactive
tools, and smart search capabilities. The site’s localized City Health Guides
outline a user’s own city’s extensive health resources, and the Condition
Centers offer information and support, as well as direct access to medical and
health experts and interactive tools to customize one’s own health management.

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