CNN, Pathfinder Sign with ABC Interactive for Online Ad Audits

CNN and Time Inc. New Media’s Pathfinder Network selected ABC Interactive, the interactive auditing
unit of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), to verify delivery of their
online advertisements.

ABC Interactive said it will provide monthly advertiser-specific audits using
its new integration of NetGravity features for both operations.

An advertiser-specific audit provides a single advertiser with a “post-buy”
report on the activity of a particular site regarding a specific campaign. The
report includes summary information about delivery of the advertiser’s message
(measured by ad impressions served and/or ad insertion requests) as well as
the response rate (measured by clickthroughs). The ratio of clickthroughs to
ad impressions is also noted.

“The CNN Web sites are committed to providing our advertisers with the highest
possible level of accountability,” said Richy Glassberg, senior vice president
and general manager for global sales, Turner Interactive.

“We are excited to be the first content provider on the Web to offer all of
our advertising clients actual campaign audits that go beyond general site

According to Michael Stoeckel, director of business technology for Time
Inc. New Media, “The ABC Interactive/NetGravity integration is an important
new way to
ensure our advertisers have the reliable information they need to continue to
invest their advertising dollars in the Pathfinder Network.”

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