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Households with an Internet connection watch 15% less television than households that don’t have access to the Web, according to a Nielsen Media Research study for America Online Inc.

No doubt those are stats your ad sales force can use when pitching online vs.
TV ads.

The study, based on data from 5,000 homes, found that homes with Internet
access watch television eight hours less each week than homes without Web
access, according to a Bloomberg News report.

“Online households are more upscale than their unconnected counterparts, and
that upper-demographic homes, as a whole, watch less television than the U.S.
average,” said Paul Lindstrom, Nielsen vice president in a statement.

The study found that during weekday prime time hours, or 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., Internet households watched 6% less television. Between 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays, those households watched 19% less TV.

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