emaildirect Signs With Lages for PR

Lages & Associates, a high-tech public
relations firm, has been selected by emaildirect Inc. as its public
relations agency of record.

Founded by husband and wife team Gary and Sheri Brooks, emaildirect’s Value-mail lets consumers opt-in to request the
types of coupons and incentives for products and services of interest to

“Lages & Associates has a strong reputation for partnering with innovative
upstarts to create an identity and develop a marketing voice that speaks to a
variety of audiences,” said Gary Brooks, president of emaildirect. “We are
pleased to have them spearhead our public relations efforts.” Billings were
not disclosed.

Founded in 1988, Lages & Associates Inc. serves a range of high technology
accounts spanning software, Web technologies, network and portable computing
to hardware devices and biometric technologies.

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