Consumer packaged goods makers have long been hotly sought after by the
online advertising industry, simply because of the major dollars they
command, and now Forrester Research
Inc. and Information Resources
Inc. (IRI) have teamed to provide analysis about Internet marketing
strategies to brand managers at these powerhouses.
The two companies are forming a joint venture called Netquity, which
combines Forrester’s Internet research with IRI’s
experience with the CPG industry. IRI has made its
reputation by providing of UPC scanner-based business solutions to the
consumer packaged goods industry.
While these companies — like Nestle, Proctor & Gamble, and Unilever —
have experimented with marketing on the Web, a lack of data about branding
effectiveness may have been a barrier to more full-blown adoption of the
medium. After all, dishwashing detergent and spaghetti sauce aren’t the
types of things people are likely to buy online, so data about
click-through isn’t as meaningful as it might be to an online retailer or
content provider.
The partnership uses IRI’s sales channels and database resources, and
Forrester contributes its Internet and online marketing capabilities.
“CPG companies are struggling to analyze how the Internet impacts their
business at the brand level,” said William Bluestein, president and chief
operating officer at Forrester.
“It is exciting to work with IRI to provide these companies with a solution
to this growing need.”