The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) has
nine new members to two-year terms on its board of directors.
The newly elected directors are:
- David Adams–Eastern U.S. sales manager, Winstar Interactive
- Susan Bratton–director, Interactive Advertising Group, @Home
- Rich LeFurgy–president,
- Lee Nadler–director, Global Marketing/Marketing Sherpa, DoubleClick
- Chris Neimeth–vp/director sales, New York Times Electronic Media
- Debbie Pinkston–vp Advertising Sales, Onsale
- Scott Schiller–vp, Advertising/Sponsorship Sales, Buena Vista
Internet Group
- Greg Stuart–vp Marketing & Business Development–
- Kenny Wachtel–Sr vp Advertising Sales–Excite Inc.
They join the existing board of directors composed of:
- Rick Boyce–Sr vp, Advertising & Commerce, Wired Digital
- John Danner–president & CEO, NetGravity
- Gina Garrubbo–executive vice president,
- Richy Glassberg–Sr vp/general manager, Turner Interactive Global Sales
- John Nardone–director media & research, Modem Media.Poppe Tyson
- Greg Osberg–president, Sales & Marketing, CNET: The Computer Network
- Jed Savage–vp, director of Sales, CBS Sportsline USA
“It is a testament to the work of the IAB that so many highly qualified people
were interested in running for board seats,” said IAB Chairman Rich LeFurgy.
“We are fortunate in that we continue to attract those people who are
committed to serving the membership and to moving the online advertising
industry forward.”
Founded in 1996, the IAB now has more than 300 active members. Its activities
include evaluating and recommending standards and practices, fielding research
to document the effectiveness of the online medium and educating the
advertising industry about the use of online advertising.
Current membership
includes companies that are actively engaged in the sales of Internet
advertising, with associate membership including companies that support
advertising,–interactive advertising agencies, measurement companies,
research suppliers, technology suppliers, traffic companies and other
organizations from related industries.