The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) issued
a call for nominations to fill the seats of nine directors whose terms expire
this fall.
Nominations are open to companies of all sizes, and for the first time will
include an additional seat that will be elected by the European IAB members.
All nominees must be IAB members in good standing and represent companies that
are online media sellers.
“A great deal of credit goes to our outgoing board members who have devoted a
tremendous amount of time and energy serving the IAB and the industry
exceptionally well during their terms,” said IAB chairman Rich LeFurgy. “This
past year has been an extraordinarily strong, positive and busy one for the
IAB. With very healthy increases in the industry’s ad revenue growth, we have
also seen the organization grow as well, stepping up its activities in
research, education and standards; absorbing the ILAC members; and becoming
key contributors to the FAST Summit and its successor, FAST Forward.”
Those who wish to be considered for seats on the board should submit their company affiliation along with a statement that outlines their qualifications and explains why they believe their membership would be beneficial to the board and the IAB membership to: Barbara Sweetman, IAB Administrative Director, 38 Tyler Circle, Rye, NY 10580, or via e-mail to, by Oct. 2.
IAB members will vote for the new board members at the Internet Advertising
Bureau’s fall meeting which will be held in New York City on Oct. 28, in
conjunction with @d:tech’s Digital Marketing Conference & Expo. Once in place,
the board will meet to elect IAB officers for the coming term.