Monster Taps Deutsch for Ad Account
Online jobs site Monster on Thursday announced that Interpublic’s Deutsch would be it ad agency of record, controlling the lion’s share of its $115 million annual ad budget.
Deutsch will handle all aspects of Monster’s advertising, including TV, print, radio and online. The agency replaces Arnold Worldwide, which Monster dropped in April after three years. At the time, Monster cited “changes in the marketplace” for the move.
Arnold designed Monster’s “Never Settle” push. This year, for the fifth straight time, Monster advertised during the Super Bowl. The commercial, themed “Monster Works for Everybody,” pushed the site’s new services for hourly workers. However, Monster scaled back to just one 30-second spot from two in previous years.
The so-called “jobless recovery” has hurt online job boards like Monster and HotJobs. The company’s former parent, TMP Worldwide, split in two earlier this year, spinning off its executive recruitment business in April as Hudson Highland Group and renaming itself Monster Worldwide.
AIM, Spam Fighters Plan Summit
The Association of Interactive Marketing (AIM) and a coalition of spam-fighting companies plan a summit meeting next week to discuss the development of best practices for the e-mail marketing industry.
The meeting is scheduled for July 16 in the San Francisco area. AIM’s Council for Responsible E-mail, which is set to announce a set of best practices, will sit down with members of the E-Mail Management Roundtable, comprised of representatives from Internet service providers and spam filters. Participating companies include Habeas, RappDigital Innovyx, and SBC.
Summit organizers say the goal is to find a happy medium in which ISPs and other e-mail systems can sort legitimate from illegitimate messages, to ensure that e-mail users receive the mail they want while stopping the spam.
WebSideStory Gives HitBox New Analytics Tools
Analytics company WebSideStory announced on Tuesday that users of its HitBox Enterprise Web analytics offering would have new tools to give them greater flexibility in gauging the success of their online campaigns.
With the new capabilities, the San Diego-based company said HitBox would be able to better analyze a variety of online initiatives, from paid search campaigns to e-mail marketing, to see what is delivering results and what is not.
The new HitBox capabilities include dynamic campaigns, which allow users to measure campaigns automatically; multiple goals and cost models; and auditing, which vets vendors’ promises versus their returns. HitBox also now includes integration with, which aims to bridge the gap between online and offline deals.