Intellipost Corp., a provider of loyalty marketing programs said that NextCard, provider of an Internet VISA card, will offer its new cardholders a rewards program through Intellipost in the industry.
The NextCard Rewards program is designed to allow qualifying customers to earn “BonusMail
Rew@rds Credits,” with no annual fee, by simply purchasing with their NextCard
Internet VISA both online and offline. The company said credits may be redeemed for airline
miles with seven leading carriers and merchandise from national brands such as
The Sharper Image, The Gap, Barnes & Noble, MCI, 1-800-FLOWERS and others.
NextCard Rewards customers can earn even more credits if they choose to receive targeted e-mail advertisements from BonusMail, Intellipost’s flagship e-mail marketing program. Financial terms of the arrangement were not disclosed.
Intellipost said that more than 800,000 consumer clients are currently earning
points. Almost half are enrolled in BonusMail, the program that rewards
consumers for reading advertisements by e-mail.
“By working with Intellipost, we have taken the best credit card on the
Internet and made it even better,” said NextCard founder and CEO, Jeremy Lent.
“Until now, incentive programs in the credit card industry have charged an
annual fee and offered one mile per dollar spent. Our RapidResults system has
the unique capability for Internet customers to design their upgrades online.
This allows us to offer an exceptionally attractive rewards program to those
customers who choose to transfer balances from their other credit cards.”