Acquires Internet News Bureau, the E-Business and Internet
Technology Network, acquired Internet News Bureau, an online
press release distribution service, from Multimedia Marketing Group Inc.

Terms of the
acquisition were not disclosed.

Since 1995, the Internet News Bureau has offered media coverage reaching over
3,000 journalists from major Internet and computer magazines, e-zines, e-mail
newsletters, daily newspapers, television and radio.

Internet News Bureau has been run as a separate division of MMG, which
creates Internet campaigns for major brands. Under the terms of the sale,
Internet News Bureau will continue to be run from MMG headquarters in Bend,

“Our audience of Web developers and Internet professionals, which is among
the most significant on the Web, is a natural market for the promotional
services Internet News Bureau offers,” said chairman and CEO
Alan M. Meckler.

“This acquisition is an example of the synergies that can create to derive revenues from its network of
Internet-specific communities. We expect to accelerate Internet News Bureau’s
growth by cross promoting it throughout the network.” operates a network of 76 Web sites, 49 e-mail newsletters, 55
online discussion forums and 52 moderated e-mail discussion lists with over
1.8 million unique visitors that generate more than 65 million page views

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