Karakas VanSickle Ouellette Advertising & Public
Relations (KVO) in Portland, OR, said it relaunched Anvil, the free online marketing
Anvil’s mission is to provide new and unusual perspectives on the issues
shaping today’s communications. The monthly magazine will explore news,
and trends relevant to online marketing, including advertising, public
relations, and interactive media.
“KVO feels Anvil is a valuable magazine for the communications industry, and
we are anxious to make the resource available again to subscribers,” said
Sharon VanSickle, KVO public relations principal. “It is also a good way for
us to share the latest industry trends with clients and business partners, in
a unique format.”
Kent Lewis, KVO online public relations manager, resumes his role as editor of
Anvil, which he created in 1996 while serving as marketing manager at Verse
DDG (Vivo Media).
Anvil will feature “What’s On Anvil?” in which one subject, such as spam (the
current issue), is undertaken and debated in a point/counterpoint fashion.
A monthly publication, Anvil will also include special supplemental issues
when breaking news hits. Columns will be contributed by resident KVO experts
dealing with such subjects as crisis communication, banner ads, and new
technologies like Web/CD-ROM hybrid, the company said.
Each issue will also include surveys analyzing the latest issues and
trends, and a “Portfolio Gallery” section focused on cutting-edge
advertising, public relations, and interactive work.
To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@lists.transport.com with “subscribe anvil-list” (excluding quotes) in the body of the message.
KVO, founded in 1983, specializes in creative communications problem-solving
and reported billings of $78 million in 1997.