The Newspaper Association of America (NAA) “shows
that newspapers on the Web are viewed in a more positive light by consumers
than non-newspaper Web sites for online classified advertising.”
The report, entitled “Untangling the Web: Business Challenges and
Opportunities for Newspapers,” also says that newspaper Web sites are viewed
as more informative and entertaining than other sites, and newspaper sites are
rated higher on measures of interactivity than other competing Web sites.
The report contains an analysis of consumer preferences and desires in
classified Web site elements, such as content, design, and branding. The
analysis also includes a segmentation of the audience for classified
advertising online.
Data was gathered during the first half of 1997 in three test markets:
Princeton, NJ; Chicago; and the San Francisco Bay area. The study was
conducted by Response Analysis Corp. of Princeton, NJ.
Copies of the report are available for $20 for NAA members and $40 for
nonmembers. Call NAA’s order fulfillment office at 800-651-4622 to order
and refer to item
50109. The Vienna, VA-based NAA is a nonprofit organization representing the
$46 billion newspaper industry.